"Back in Grove"


:D Good to see "Pete Koenig" back in the grove,after winning the "Pure Street" feature>:cool: See that the 14 months he was in "Iraq" hasn't hurt his ability to drive. Just wanted to concratulate him on his win and "Thank" him for giving up his Family and Friends to fight for his Country. Not a lot of guys could have done what he has done. "Good Job" Thank you from all "Americans" Good luck and God Bless.:D
Thank you Chevy-Woman. Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Wheather we like it or not, but again Thanks alot. Feels perty good to be back home & in the "groove" of things. Wasn't for sure how I was gonna do, but thinkin I'm getting it back.

Thanks 43 your back in the "grove " now. Keep it up! Glad to have you getting back to your old self as much as you can. :D Good Luck rest of season!:D

Congratulations Pete, well deserved. Glad to see you back and hope there are many more to come. :)
