Bobby Labonte


Active Member
I read an article on about the hood of bobby labonte's car for the daytona 500. It has on it"the passion of the Christ" becuase of the movie i guess that is coming out in theaters. It has got alot of people upset over having it on his car. I don't see anything wrong with it being there. What is everyone elses opinion?
I think it is the movie itself that is causing controversy. You will be hearing alot more when it is released in theatres.
I quess the seperation of church and school is not enough for them!!!.......they want to do it with racing too?
He should have put a picture of Justin Timberlake ripping off Janet Jackson's top instead. Probably get a better response.

Seriously though, I see nothing wrong with it. It's no worse than Christian's watching NASCAR and having to see cars drive around with beer logo's all over it. Not that I have anything against the likes of Jr, Sterling, Rusty or their sponsors. But I know that some people are offended by the beer sponsors, but you never hear anything about that.

Personally, I think the people that make the biggest waves about religious sponsoring are the people that are struggling the most with their faith. You don't have to be a holy roller, but having a little faith don't hurt a soul. No pun intended. LOL!

On a side note I hear that the movie is supposed to be awesome. Can't wait to see it myself.
CAN you say ATHEIST?????? Can't be any worse than those Bible verses we read for years on Gordo's dash written by Brookie!!!!! Teams take the money they are given due to sponsorship!!! I can't wait till the diversity teams hit the tracks and have a COW over the Confederate Flags... I would guess that would be the day the red-necks are finally ran off and the corporates take over....
The Interstate Battiers CEO is the one that is respondsible for putting this on the car. He is promoting the movie for Mel Gibson, Gibson funded this movie out of his own pocket.

There was an article in the Belleville paper about it today or yesterday.
I think in this world who knows what might offend someone. If everything that may possibly offend is eliminated we'd be left with nothing.
Bobby Labonte & Gibbs racing are respectible & professional.
It's sponsorship, business. Anyone who feels the movie may be offensive shouldn't go see it.

Go #18!
I don't think the part of it being a religous movie that is the problem, I think it is more on how the movie portrays Jews that is making it contraversial.
Not a Thing !!!!!

Originally posted by sprint fan32
do you have a problem with atheism

It indicated in the Nascar section the other day that the Atheist along with the Jewish denomination could be their largest complainers. The Jewish faith has a fear of the back lash. I personally have no issues with not believing in "GOD" not my choice. I BELIEVE and that is all that matters! And if you are an Atheist and were offened I apologize.. And I will pray for you tonight! :)
I have to edit and re-iterate: It was Morgan Shepard's issue several years ago they thought the Atheist was the reason there were complaints with his advertisments with religion.

Little research...

Isaiah 1:18

Romans 10:9.

Hope you all take these to heart. Oh, Jimmy, Don't test your God. Give glory to Him, and riches will be given to you. THat 100% glory thing is what we have trouble with.
