Brett Korves Appendicitis While At Eldora


Interested Fan
Brett Korves had an appendicitis attack while at Eldora. His grandpa (Big Daddy) Tribout said he underwent and emergency appendectomy at the local hospital this (Sunday) morning and is doing well. Shelly and Jack are enroute to the hospital and I will post any further Information I receive.
Just spoke sith Shelly and Brett is out of recovery and in a room. Surgery was lapriscopic and expects to be released tomorrow. (they forgot to mention to the doctor that he would have a six hour ride home!!)

Big Daddy
just talked to my sister and she was with Brett and the gang and they are on thier way home. She said Brett was awake when they all left the hospital. Get well soon Brett
That is no way to have what was to be a fun trip. Glad to hear things went well and they are on the way home. That will be an expensive trip to Eldora. Hope he saw some races before that happened.
Wow! What a frightful thing to have happen on a racing trip. Certainly a nightmare for Brett and his parents!!! Hope all is well now and he's gets home safely to recover. Shelly's going to need a sedative, I'm sure. :rolleyes:

Hope your feeling better, Get Well Soon!!

Kevin,Tammy Gundaker &
the Tri-City Speedway Staff
Thanks everyone for keeping me in your thoughts. I got home a couple days ago and have been feeling better each day.
