Can I legally drive a pocket bike (49cc) on a road in Illinois?


New Member
I was just given a pocket bike by my neighbor in exchange for us doing something for him. The bike states it is 49cc and no matter where I look, I can't seem to find an answer if I can legally drive it. It only goes up to 30mph and it's only 49cc. I currently live in a small town suburb of Chicago and I don't plan on driving it anywhere not local. From what I read on other forums, it can be classified under the same category as a moped since it's under 50cc (the minimum cc required for an L liscense) so I should be able to drive it on local roads as long as I abide by the rules of a cyclist? Thanks in advance.
I would go talk to the local police to be for sure. That will help keep you out of trouble. Because one person may say yes and another will say no.
Not in Illinois. Illinois requires mopeds to be titled, registered and insured. I have 3 49CC bikes.

It is an off highway vehicle.
Also in Illinois you must meet the minimum road requirements like horn. Lights. Less than 2Bhp. And what not
