Cancelled Farmer City Pride 50! plus press release

Due to Heat!!!!!!

I wanna start this out by saying thank you to all the people that i met along this journey and went way out of your way to try to get help get the kids club up and running at Farmer City. As everyone knows it has been a trying year for many folks at Farmer City. Jeff and his family have went threw many struggles this year and I could not imagine what it would be like to be a promoter. I feel terrible for the drivers and fans that got caught up in the WRG, UMP, and Farmer City mishaps. With all that has happened the Kids Club still managed to stay strong and give the kids and families added value to their racing experience. There has been many of conversations that me and Jeff have had in private and throughout those conversations i have left many scratching my head. Before anyone asks, I have every intention of keeping those conversations between just me and him. I stepped outside of my role of Kids Club and started helping with marketing. Since that time I have spent countless hours, time and energy fighting a fight that wasn't mine to fight to begin with. Communication has been a constant struggle between management and everyone else involved up to and including the drivers and fans. Over the past few weeks I have seen things unravel and I want to take this time to state that as of today i will no longer be affiliated with the Farmer City Raceway. I wish Jeff Hammer, his family, his staff and everyone involved the best. This was a tough decision that i had to make and one that I wish i didn't have to make. I want to thank Jeff Hammer personally for a chance to work with the two things I love the most, children and racing. Like I mentioned previously, i met and made friends with people that if had not been given this opportunity i would have otherwise never have meet. This does not mean that Farmer City Raceway is closed or done. I look forward to being able to attend racing on Friday nights as a spectator and will continue to support the track. I wish everyone well and hope to see you around the racetrack in the near future!


Bruce Dulgar