Carlyle Lake Cruz-in the Dam on August 9th


Staff member
CARLYLE, ILLINOIS, July 8, 2013, One of the best car shows and car cruises is coming next month. CRUZ-IN THE DAM, CAR SHOW NATIONALS at the CARLYLE LAKE RESORT, Carlyle, Illinois on Friday night, AUGUST 9, 2013. Show time is 4:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. This car show is the largest gathering of classic cars in the metro east area. There are two car cruises, a car show, the Rockin Radio Review, great food, special games, 50/50 and goody bags for the first 50 classic cars meeting at Carl’s 4 Wheel Drive in Bartelso, Illinois. First car cruise starts at Carl’s 4 Wheel Drive at 4:30 pm. Be sure to get there early to get the goody bags and get lined up for the first cruise to cross the Carlyle Lake Dam and then onto the Car Show located at the Microtel Resort Convention Center. The car show features the Rockin Radio Review, special games, 50/50 drawings, food, and door prizes. The second car cruise will be at 9:30 p.m. that cruise will go back across the Carlyle Lake dam and through downtown Carlyle. Car Show at the Resort starts at 4:30pm till 10:00pm. Food and automotive vendors wanted, give us a call: 618-765-2199 days, 618-363-2604 nights or email:
