Cheri & Bill

Cheri Prehn has had to take Medical Leave from her work in order to devote full attention to Bill. Bill is insisting on going home and having Cheri take care of him. There are still some issues with the area of healing where Bill had hernia surgery and then there is still the area of infection. Cheri said it is really complicated and overwhelming as Bill is very frustrated with his long hospital stay and literally watches the clock until she comes back from visit to visit. He just wants to go home.

Cheri is going to speak with the doctors this morning and find out how soon this process can be accelerated, but still be safe for Bill. She also asked that everyone be praying this morning for her and for Bill.

They both need a lot of emotional and financial support right now. Please say a prayer for them this morning and don't forget the benefit on August 30th at Tri-City Speedway.

Here is the link if you want to send Bill and Cheri an email at Barnes and let them know you are thinking about them:
hey ya and bill really needs visitors!!!! him and cheri are great people!!!! our prayers are always with them!!!!

i really hope you guys are ok bill is like a unlce that i never had to me so i really hope he get better soon love ya guys your in my prayers
john w
