Christmas in July @ I-55 Saturday July 25, 2015


Well-Known Member
We are less than 2 weeks away till the nickel race at I-55 for this year. GREAT NEWS : PJ Passiglia had the opportunity to order 40 bikes from Huffy in Chicago again this year. They will be delivered to the IMPRESSIVE RACE CARS Shop hopefully sometime this week. Let us help you and us out. They will be for sale for $50.00 a piece. This is were cash donations will help us tremendously since this was placed on a credit card and needs to be paid back. We will assemble them again this year and tag them for you and have them at the track on the Big Kids Night. If you choose to buy one which we hope you do please notate your name and class and car # or the business or sponsor that help with the donation. I ( Lisa Jones ) will be stopping by your trailers before the races start to see if you would like to aquire one or see if you have a donation for us. We really need donations as soon as possible since its so chaotic the night of this event but will happily accept anything anytime. If anyone or if you have a sponsor that would like to donate please contact : Lisa Brown 636-543-4625, PJ Pete Passiglia 314-357-1330- Lisa Jones 314-440-7268 or Sue Marler or Shari Stanfill at 636-479-3219. You can also drop off any items to the pits of Kenny Rumble Latemodel (87) please give to PJ Passiglia or Nickol Passiglia or Lisa Brown at the Amod pits of Terry Brown- They will be pitted in the outer pits this week or Lisa Jones at the Chris Souitea C4 pits in turn 1 or the IMPRESSIVE trailer in the infield or the I-55 Raceway Office. We can't Thank everyone for all their support to this event once again. We cant wait to see all the cool items and shirts and $$$$$$ donated. And I can't Thank PJ Passiglia and Nickol Passiglia, Lisa Brown and Brittney Rockholt for all their help last year and this year. There is tons of effort put into this event. Please tell these volunteers THANKS for all the work that goes into this,,,,
