

New Member
I have placed a link on the MVNSPEEDWAY website were I can post sympathy emails for the families of the tragic accident at MT.Vernon. You may send a email to and I will post it to the page for all to read and were famileis can read or friends can copy for the families to read.
Please letter of sympathy and concern no dicuss of what happened.
Also please sign it no log in names use your real one.
No emaill address will be posted in the notes unless posted in the notes.

MT.Vernon Speedway
Cool..great idea..and god bless all that are involved..including rick and the gang. Great guys and hope they can continue running the track
Thank You

Have been geeting some very nice emails but wanted to share this one that just came in.

I would like to send my condolences to everyone associated with the accident at Mount Vernon Speedway. My God be with all of you during this time. Try to hold your head high through all of this.

In quiet moments when the hurt is hard to bear.
May love become your shelter
and may the beauty of precious memories be your comfort.
You are held in gentle thought and prayer.


Amy Ford
Florence, Mississippi
