Congrats to Kenny & Amanda Kennedy

Just one day after their 2 yr wedding anniversary, Kenny and Amanda Kennedy are proud parents of a new baby boy. Received a phone call from Kenny this afternoon and mom and baby are healthy and doing very well. Congratulations to both of them!

Born at 12:48 pm on March 13th
Weight: 7 lb. 5 oz.
Length: 20"

I'm going to see the little guy tonight. I can't wait! Kenny said he has a ton of hair already.
Congrats to Kenny and Amanda Kennedy from the Self Racing Team. Hope to see you at the races from time to time.
Congatulations everybody. Hope the child is healthy and everybody is doing fine. Now lets go out and get ya another racecar!!! Ha ha!!!

Congratulations guys!!! Can't wait to "meet" him. Did I miss it, or did we get a name for the little guy??? Hopefully he has Amanda's hair and will keep it!! (I am so thankful Laci's gets thicker every day!! No thanks to the "Francis baldness" trait!!!
Anyway, sooo happy for ya!
Everyone at HMS;)
