Congrats to nick knepper & crew!


M.T. Cray
Congrats to Nick Knepper and crew on their 3rd place finish in last nights (Thursday) A-Main @ The 25th Annual Chili Bowl! That puts them in the Saturday night A-Main! Good Luck #55!

Mike Cray
This is his first Chili Bowl feature. He also finished second in his and second in the A Qualifier. Great job Nick.
Nick knepper

5th row pole for saturday night's a main. Great job to nick and the knepper crew. You can see the front from where you are starting, now drive on up there and get you some.
Nick was running 4th with about 10 to go and pressuring the top 3. (S Swindell, Clauson, K Swindell) Kevin then tried a slide job on Clauson that didnt work so well and Nick got caught up in it. I think he finished 15th. Congrats to him and his entire crew.

I was wondering what happended I watched it yester day on youtube mkinda funny they said Sammy won but showed of course Kevin holding the hardware
