Congratulations Billy & Rachel Faust


Danny Heiple
Congratulations to Billy & Rachel Faust!

Rachel gave birth at approximately 1:30 p.m. today at Breese Hospital in IL to a baby boy William Gerard, he was 7 pounds 1 ounce and 20 inches long.

Mom and baby are both doing fine.
Congradualitions on your first child and glad to hear everyone is doing fine. Another Bill in the Faust family tree. Hope Grandma and Grandpa are excited.
Congratulations to Billy & Rachel Faust!

Rachel gave birth at approximately 1:30 p.m. today at Breese Hospital in IL to a baby boy William Gerard, he was 7 pounds 1 ounce and 20 inches long.

Mom and baby are both doing fine.
Yeah, but can the kid wheel a Super Late? Just kidding. Congrats to the Faust family!
Congrats Billy and Rachel, I hope he grows up to be like his dad adn grandpa good race car drivers. Rachel i will have to come up and see you and the new one.


Great news ! you have just enough time to start designing a Quarter midget ! they start at 4 1/2 now !

Congrats from the Steffens
Congratulations Billy & Rachel. I can see you HOT LAPPING him in the front yard with the stroller in a month.

Seriously congrats to the both of you and good luck.

Jim McCummiskey
G&M Steel
congrats billy and rachel and grandma grandpa the little won will be a winner cause the whole family r very good people
