cut purses at mt vernon


New Member
what's with the cut purses from sat.matt mevert got $300 instead of $500 and i noticed on my envelope that the original figure was covered up and a smaller amount was given.why were the purses cut,my tires and fuel and pit pass were no cheaper so what's the scoop
I was at MVn sat. night, and I was at the drivers meeting,after the track was reworked after the rain. At that drivers meeting, they let the driver decide, what they wanted to do. When the rain started, and all of the fans that were waiting outside of the gate,went home. At the drivers meeting, they asked the drivers, if they wanted to take a cut, in pay, or call it a rainout and go home. they took in # 5700 at the two gates,its hard to make a $ 12,000 plus payout on that take in.the drivers voted to race. If you were not at that meeting, and you were not there, then it is your own fault. When they call a drivers meeting,and you do not show up.I think MVN management would have rather called it a rain out.Those who did stay, saw a great show.
Hey you should give rick alot of credit for racing on saturday night and for keeping the place open.
Your Right I Missed The Drivers Meeting,thanks For Clearing That Up, I Had Never Seen That Bad
