Dirthound is open for business

new pair pants for you smart azz


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I thought everyone would like to see an actual photo of dirthound (aka Super6)


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Once and azzz always and azz speaking of azz need some more toilet paper your paper coming out soon been shopping at the meth labs lately
You just described yourself and where you live.... LOL.... But you forgot the drive-by shootings there gummy boy!!
Would N't Know Meth Lab If It Bit Me In The Azz Seems Funny I Hear About Them 40 To 50 Miles South Of Here please Get The Paper Out My Cats Are Running Out Of Liter Box Paper
you must live a pathetic life that uou are afraid to live in a county or city with more than 10 people me lived inthe counrty the county or the city crossed many a bridge LOL AT LEAST I 'm not obese
Sorry to hear they are having such a hard time solving all the crime in your area that involved your family. But when all the DNA is the same and there are no dental records that sort of thing happens. You people need to stop dating your sisters! I first heard about the problem after I looked up in police records there in the 'hood where you got robbed the other night of your Dentucreme, Polygrip and Vasoline!
Millsey said:
Sorry to hear they are having such a hard time solving all the crime in your area that involved your family. But when all the DNA is the same and there are no dental records that sort of thing happens. You people need to stop dating your sisters! I first heard about the problem after I looked up in police records there in the 'hood where you got robbed the other night of your Dentucreme, Polygrip and Vasoline!

Mills, I heard they also took his helmet bag and steering wheel. The 10 o'clock news gave a description of the items and said the steering wheel was indeed attached to a wooden bleecher and the helmet bag was full of old fake ID's, apparently used to get into members only club meetings.
bigrightrear said:
Mills, I heard they also took his helmet bag and steering wheel. The 10 o'clock news gave a description of the items and said the steering wheel was indeed attached to a wooden bleecher and the helmet bag was full of old fake ID's, apparently used to get into members only club meetings.
Police did find some evidence at the scene though!!! But they were confused because they thought it was the ramblings of a mentally disturbed child when in fact it was copies of Dirthound's (aka Super6) posts from STLRACING.COM. When told they were actually Fred's ramblings, one officer was quoted as saying, "My dog can crap as well as that moron writes!"
hear smat butt whenyou can write like the guy in the blue get back with until then shut your pie hole


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dirt hound said:
hear smat butt whenyou can write like the guy in the blue get back with until then shut your pie hole
Why, did he write some of your favorite books?????


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