Dirty driving Agressive driving

jim moon

Aggressive Riding vs. "Dirty" Riding

By Donny Robinson

Do you ride aggressively on the track? Are you overaggressive? Under aggressive? Or are you a bully?

If we don't ride aggressive enough, we leave the door open for other riders to take advantage of our timid riding style, at which point we fall short of the results we're capable of. If we ride too aggressively, we open ourselves up to being labeled a "dirty" rider and have our fellow competitors and/or their parents taking up constant feuds at the finish line. But what is aggressive riding? And what takes it over the line, to plain ol, "dirty" riding?

I'm sorry, but there always needs to be a level of aggressive riding on the track if you want to win. This is competition and people often fail to realize what happens on the track, shouldn't necessarily translate to time off the track. We should also know that, in BMX Racing, there's always another race, so, if you choose to take on a questionable move, you're likely to receive payback at the next possible opportunity.

Taking a rider's line away, and making contact in a turn, is part of racing, and, unless it's clearly malicious, there should be no hard feelings between parties afterwards. Some of you are assuredly like me. I try to ride as fair as possible. But, every time I don't make the move, I always regret it. As an added bonus, the next time I leave the door open, EVERYONE is walking through it, no regrets. You can be a good and likable person, and still ride hard on the course.

That said, it's pretty clear what "crossing the line" looks like.

How do you handle those riders (and parents) that constantly make overaggressive moves? Or, those who try to intimidate you off the track? Do they get mad when you make a move they feel isn't fair, but turn around and do it to you? We've definitely seen all levels of this, up to and including the over-the-top dad who actually uses the staging chutes at nationals to bully the 8-year old who is having a particularly good day against his kid.
These folks don't tend to stick around the sport very long. But, while they're here, how should you handle them?

As hard as it may be, ignore them and continue to do what you're there to do. You will never please these people - whether you ride timid or aggressively, they will try to walk all over you or intimidate you into doing what they want you to do - you cannot win with them on a personal level, so might as well do all you can to win against them on the track! *Note: this is one of those great "life lessons" that BMX Racing imparts to riders of all ages.

It's possible to ride hard and be fair. Should there ever come a time where you make a move you feel bad about... go up to the rider or parent and apologize - we all make mistakes sometimes and that's part of being a good person off the track.

- Donny Robinson
He's Agressive ... Everyone knows it ..... As a driver it's your job to know who and what your racing against and to drive accordingly .... He's less Agressive than bobby....
Your just a dipshit that loves to go against the grain.
Please take your "opinions" somewhere else.
Look I just think we are going down a slope
I myself don't care if he races ever again it's one less car I have to pass
I just think everyone should know who your racing and know your talent level race to that point be happy
nice article on bobby at the world on DOD not to shabby for an 18 yr old how many 18 yrs old has done what he has done
