Don't Buy Gas On May 15


New Member
Got an email urging everyone not to buy any gas for ONE day....May 15.
I know this is far a fetched endeavor to send a message to the oil companies,but I know I won't be buying any that day.
I know this sounds like a good idea but all that really happens is people either fill up the day before or the day after there fore off setting any message you would want to send to big oil companies.I would suggest if we want to send a message that we should probably discuss other ways of reducing of dependence of gas and wgen they start seeing a prolonged decrease in sales maybe that would change there minds.
One day won't do it........ but about 3 or 4 days in a row would.......
Then maybe they will get the message.I usually fill up and can drive almost a whole week before I have to fill it up again....
Heres a thought what if we all BUY gas on the same day don't forget the gas can when you do .... run the pumps dry...LOL
and then not buy any for a week.....!!!!!!!
Not selling gas for 6 days now that might get their attention.....!!!!
Sorry Frank, I understand not all people could get by without filling up. However if the majority did this, they would start to hurt with only 15 to 20 gas purchases a day, at any station. I know it would hurt stations profits but lets face it most are not making a profit on a gallon of gas anyway. Places like QT and such, depend on the sales inside the store. So go in and buy your beer, pop or what ever extras you get if you would have bought gas.... They are not making a profit on the pumps. It seems the OIL companies are the only ones making an enormus PROFIT. Just doesn't make any CENTS!!!!!
Nice try, but they will only come up with another excuse. (the oil companies) The last couple years it has been the "hurricane" season. Funny, hurricanes were hitting the Gulf area 10-20 years ago as well with no jump in prices.....

Be mad at the oil companies all you want. The real problem is the refineries can't keep up with demand, and they can't build more refineries because nobody wants one in their back yard. Also the extreme left wing liberals do everything they can to prevent refinery construction.

Crude oil hasnt gone up that much. Wholesale gas........thats another story.

Its not rocket science. Supply and demand.

I'm not suggesting there isnt some colusion among oil companies. They arent angels by a long shot. However for the moment blame the tree huggers for your 3.00 a gallon. That and the people who buy it. Until it reaches the point where people actually DO stop buying, youre gonna have escalation.
A message from myspace

I recieved this message from a buddy of mine concerning the boycott on gas on the 15th, juz some numbers that was figured:
In April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices.

Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.

On May 15th 2007, all myspace members should avoid going to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now well over $3.00 a gallon.

There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the myspace network, and the average car takes about 30 to 40 dollars to fill up.

If all myspace members did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take $2,200,000,000.00 (that's BILLION) out of the oil companys pockets for just one day.

Kinda makes ya go hmmmmm.
Darn Liberals!!

"Also the extreme left wing liberals do everything they can to prevent refinery construction."

Oil companies continue to record record profits.... darn liberals.
Those oil execs are sure a liberal bunch huh?
LOL....It worked for the BOSTON TEA party in Boston Harbor.....!!!!!
A boycott will work if it is done the right way... if the majority stands together.
When you look at it, OPEC is the most powerful entity in the world. They have the power to regulate oil prices to their benefit, regardless of any economic harm they do to other countries.

Here's my suggestion. Control output of wheat and grain products. Sell at a lower cost to domestics and allies, and double or triple the cost for all other countries. Once wheat and grain prices are higher than oil prices, and foreign countries like Iran, Venezuela and other OPEC nations have to pay the equivalent of $8.00 for one loaf of bread, then we will be on equal ground to negotiate oil prices.
"Also the extreme left wing liberals do everything they can to prevent refinery construction."

Oil companies continue to record record profits.... darn liberals.
Those oil execs are sure a liberal bunch huh?
Next thing you know someone will blame Bill Clinton for this....a certain faction of our population blames him for everything else so why not this too?

I think the truth is that Big Oil has already been paid for the gas we buy so they could care less. It's the local businessman who distributes the gas who might feel a small pinch but one day won't really accomplish anything in my opinion. It's just another spam e mail somebody started.
Not a bad idea in theory.....only one problem.....selling anything at a lower price won't square with the corporate America machine....not even if it helps Americans. It's all about profit and the bottom line. Nothing else at all matters to them.....nothing. Good idea though.
Not a bad idea in theory.....only one problem.....selling anything at a lower price won't square with the corporate America machine....not even if it helps Americans. It's all about profit and the bottom line. Nothing else at all matters to them.....nothing. Good idea though.

The lost profit domestically will be more than made up by the profits from the higher prices overseas. Just like it is with the oil countries.
Next thing you know someone will blame Bill Clinton for this....a certain faction of our population blames him for everything else so why not this too?

I think the truth is that Big Oil has already been paid for the gas we buy so they could care less. It's the local businessman who distributes the gas who might feel a small pinch but one day won't really accomplish anything in my opinion. It's just another spam e mail somebody started.

You're probably right,but it is such a helpless feeling not being able to do SOMETHING.You hear NO politicians talking about this surge in gas prices and OPEC....including our Saudi "friends" are laughing all the way to the bank.
Instead of filling up, why not just put in what you need each day. If everyone did it, maybe they would get the hint. I know that I don't plan on filling up if I feel like I'm being ripped off. See the game they play? $2.90 seemed high a week ago. Now that they raise it some, people rush to the gas stations to fill up at that price. Don't fall for it.
This all sounds great but getting people to stick or act together is damn near immpossible( unless your a bunch of illegal mexicans having a protest) The thing that would work if it could be pulled off is to single one company out lets say Mobil/Exxon and do not buy from them PERIOD! I may be wrong but if you busted their chops good they would have to lower the price causing the others to follow suit. The don't buy any on a certain day won't work because we are all our worst enimies on this one!! JMO
