Fastrak Series 05 Tire/Membership Program


New Member
The Fastrak Series in hope to assist local racers has developed a membership/tire program for the 2005 season. Your membership must be postmarked no later than the following dates.

If you do pay by the follwing dates you will be able to purchase your first set (4) of tires for only $100. We recognize you can run any Series you want and its just our way of saying thanks for joining Fastrak.

Please note this program is supported by an outside funding source and not by a tire company.

Southern Region: January 5th

Mid East Region: Feb 15th

Mid West Region: Feb 15th
Sorry folks. I forgot to include what the program was. I know, I know. Thnik, think, think. Hey,at least you know we are human too. LOL!!!!!
Just in case there are some people who are discouraged about this, I think there are a couple things that need to be brought to everyone's attention about Fastrak's membership & tire program.

1. You do not have to be a member of the Fastrak Champions Series to particapate in a Fastrak event. If you are not a member you do not recieve points towards the Fastrak Championship.

2. You do not have to run the Fastrak Champions Series Spec Tire to particapate in a Fastrak Champions Series Event either. Again if you do not run the series spec tire you are not eligible for Fastrak Championship points.

Just trying to help clear things up. If any of this info is not correct someone please let me know & I will correct it.
