Fayette Co. heads up---I think


Well-Known Member
being a sob (senile old boy) I fairly sure I read on their web site that the fair race is this coming wed.. july 16--double track points in all classes--regular Friday classes..... A n B mods-street stocks-hornies n high school hornets----track has been real good all year--I plan on having the 27 car and my have a b-mod (that's if the A don't do me in )....
That is correct ole' boy.. its an annual midseason tradition the fair race is on Wednesday night, marks the beginning of dog days of summer....... this year it lands on my birthday , so look out street stocks...... i will have birthday luck on my side, no racing the following Friday...
r we now English chaps OLe"boy------I may have a good b mod---that's if I can get the belts adjusted out LOL
As if I don't feel bad enough Lenny, runnin my a## off to run ur a## off, push u in the car only to have something SO stupid to stop that perfect opportunity. I will have the belts figured out. Now I just need to talk (someone) in to changing the gears!! :). I feel terrible and not sure who was hurting more Sunday. Me or u.
