Football Game

The football game is @ 10am at Walthers Park in DeSoto.
Who won and what is the injury report.... LOL...

Hey, you guys are also invited to my house tonight for a RAMS get together at 7 p.m.

How did it go? somebody win in overtime by a 55 yard field goal? I wimped out, figured the Explorer needed brakes worse than I needed to go into cardiac arrest. Time to get into shape:)
Well, once the lungs got over the shock of running in the cold air, it was pretty fun. The field was too slick and muddy to really get any big hits in, so no major injuries to report. The only thing that comes to mind is Bill gave Rusty a knee to the face.:D I think we need to do this more often to help pass the time of the off season.
I think we are going to maybe do this every 4 to 6 weeks. I need to get from behind this desk because I was wooped.:D
Glad to hear no one got hurt! LOL I may just have to come watch the next one. How many of you couldn't move the next day? A little sore maybe? Should I have bought stock in Alleve or IcyHot?
