Get your cheap gas now?????

Look i dont know what your trying to say because your typing is so bad, but if your saying this country is so safe because of George Bush, i think your funny. He ignored reports from CIA and FBI of terrorist attacks. When Reagan was in in office and this is FACT! Chemical weapons were sold to Irag by us during Reagans administration, to protect Irag from Iran. Then Sadaam turned them on his own people. Rumsfeld did the deal. This is FACT and can read this anywhere. This country exports alot of things from other countries, and pays their prices, then when they need military help we pull the money from our pockets, and use our people to fight. I ask you when and how do we recoupe this cost? I will tell you WAR! It's the biggest business around. Now why are we in Irag, and who is keeping us there? George Bush's words "we need to get Sadaam out of power" that was three years ago. Why are we still there?
if bush is approvalrating is 59 percent which it's not it 's more 35 percent how is 59 pwecwetnintheminority must that new math kinda like second row pole

Sorry hound, I corrected my statement to read as it should. CNN's exit pole actually stated that 59% disapprove of Bush. MY Bad
Its pretty sad King, when some clowns will come in here and quote something they heard one of there friends say. Instead of fact.

Sorry hound, I corrected my statement to read as it should. CNN's exit pole actually stated that 59% disapprove of Bush. MY Bad
The stock market is at a new all-time high and America's 401K's are back.
Unemployment is at 25 year lows.
Oil prices are plummeting.
Taxes are at 20 year lows.
Federal tax revenues are at all-time highs.
The Federal deficit is down almost 50%, just as predicted over last year.
Home valuations are up 200% over the past 3.5 years.
Inflation is in check, hovering at 20 year lows.

These are obviously all your opinions and not facts. Show me hard numbers and cite your resources. I'll eat my cowboy hat if you can prove half of them with legitimate numbers from legitimate sources and intelligently summarize what those numbers mean. We've already covered the first three items earlier in this post. How could taxes be at 20 year lows and tax revenues be at all time highs? I won't even go there on the federal deficit, down 50% from what? The record level George inflated it to during his first term. Inflation isn't in check, everything cost more, were still paying a fuel surcharge on everything that is shipped. Heck even a gallon of milk cost over $3.00 now. I would love to live in this fantasy world you painted. Just more Republican spin.

34GFMF.......... I won't even address your $2000 tax increase comment. Your gun is loaded for hunting crickets while the rest of us are hunting bear. You better stay on the porch.
Dirthound/MadDaddy...please don't take this wrong, but I'm having trouble deciphering what your trying to say.
Look i dont know what your trying to say because your typing is so bad, but if your saying this country is so safe because of George Bush, i think your funny. He ignored reports from CIA and FBI of terrorist attacks. When Reagan was in in office and this is FACT! Chemical weapons were sold to Irag by us during Reagans administration, to protect Irag from Iran. Then Sadaam turned them on his own people. Rumsfeld did the deal. This is FACT and can read this anywhere. This country exports alot of things from other countries, and pays their prices, then when they need military help we pull the money from our pockets, and use our people to fight. I ask you when and how do we recoupe this cost? I will tell you WAR! It's the biggest business around. Now why are we in Irag, and who is keeping us there? George Bush's words "we need to get Sadaam out of power" that was three years ago. Why are we still there?
Those aren't the wepons of mass destruction he never had and we never found were they?I guess if it doesn't destroy buildings there not WMD's.where ever your head is buried at there must not be any oxygen.....either in the clouds or your as...........
hey 7 h why don't you be president show us how it's done you would just as good as the clowns in the demoratic party
hey 7 h why don't you be president show us how it's done you would just as good as the clowns in the demoratic party
Sounds scary,I mean they're not sure where we're at war at.Does any one know where Irag is at.Looks like no child left behind forgot someone.
Look i dont know what your trying to say because your typing is so bad, but if your saying this country is so safe because of George Bush, i think your funny. He ignored reports from CIA and FBI of terrorist attacks. When Reagan was in in office and this is FACT! Chemical weapons were sold to Irag by us during Reagans administration, to protect Irag from Iran. Then Sadaam turned them on his own people. Rumsfeld did the deal. This is FACT and can read this anywhere. This country exports alot of things from other countries, and pays their prices, then when they need military help we pull the money from our pockets, and use our people to fight. I ask you when and how do we recoupe this cost? I will tell you WAR! It's the biggest business around. Now why are we in Irag, and who is keeping us there? George Bush's words "we need to get Sadaam out of power" that was three years ago. Why are we still there?
Oxymoron of the year=informed liberal. Some of you probably will need to look that word up in Webster's. Am I going too fast for you?

BTW, Rmauer81, is it Iraq or Irag?
The biggest moron is a working man thinking he is a member of the Republician Party. That would be akin to the servant setting himself a plate at the dinner table.
Oxymoron of the year=informed liberal. Some of you probably will need to look that word up in Webster's. Am I going too fast for you?

BTW, Rmauer81, is it Iraq or Irag?
Looks like the post says Irag.You can clearly see it.I see that they are really close on the keyboard.
As i speak moron, Bush is on tv selling his buddy Rumsfeld down the tubes. So for three years he has felt Don Rumsfeld is handling things "great". But now since the Republicans have lost the house majority, we need as George Bush states, "a new set of eyes". Funny it wouldnt take me three years to figure out something was broke. Did we need to go there and remove Sadaam? YES! Do we need to stay there and rebuild there country? NO! And as far as my head being up my as....., well you make a descent argument for the guy. I still havent heard any new news on the capture of Bin Laden. Bush is nothing but double talk, studdering and B.S.
If your gonna take a cheap shot at someone at least have your facts staight, as....!

Those aren't the wepons of mass destruction he never had and we never found were they?I guess if it doesn't destroy buildings there not WMD's.where ever your head is buried at there must not be any oxygen.....either in the clouds or your as...........
Another rocket scientist. Again tell me where the weapons of mass destruction are. Again tell me how long Sadaam has been out of power? Again make excuses for your president when he starts backpeddling, since he has lost the house majority. He already has sold out Rumsfeld, as we speak. Now Condalessa Rice will get sold out. Again WAR is the biggest business in the world, thats what this is about, and only that. Now Bush's job will be to make as many excuses and cover his butt any way he can. I havent heard you make any statements, stating anyhting of fact, just alot of badgering and thread hopping from one persons post to another. Say something on your own, it's called being educated! Moron!

hey 7 h why don't you be president show us how it's done you would just as good as the clowns in the demoratic party
Dude is this the only thing you can do is mess with people because they spell Irag or Irag. Geez get a life, put a a EDUCATED argument. You talk alot of crap and take stabs unfortunately nothing gets hit. Say sopmething educated. You probably didnt even vote! Dumb As..

Looks like the post says Irag.You can clearly see it.I see that they are really close on the keyboard.
If you vote Republician tomorrow, you can bet that gas will go back to where it was last year, the only reason it is down now is because big oil is hoping to influnce the vote. They are scared to death that if the Dems win they will move to place a windfall profits tax on there a**.

Protect your own interests, not their's and vote Democrat, and if in two years they fail us then move them out too.

Gas Tuesday morning $2.09 Wednesday morning $2.26
I've looked at this post and I think I may be entitled to post my two cents. I recently did an internship at the state level with my representative. What an eye opening experience. It takes one day for you to go up to the state capital in Jefferson City and stand outside the House chamber to realize who's interest the Republican Party is protecting. Unless you're a corporate man, you have not and will not be heard by Republicans. If you believe they represent your moral or religious convictions.......guess again.....We've seen recently how moral that side is. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for you......anyone who thinks different I challenge you to spend a week in Jefferson City.....As a matter of fact....the interns that I went with that worked on that side were not allowed to come over to our side to even talk. They're keeping them from the truth in a sense. In the state of Missouri as well if youre an elected Republican.....and you dont vote straight get your office put in a janitors closet......ask Jim Viebrock from Springfield....and the floor leader Tom Dempsey about when the Governor shoved him up against the wall for not voting straight party. It's time for the people of Missouri and the people of this nation to realize that Democrats protect their people and Republicans sell out to special interests. And for the person who said the economy is better.....chances are you're not feeling any of that in your pockets because you're probably middle class....the economy just like anything else can be portrayed in whatever light they NEED to shine on it. I'm glad for the results of last nights election.....America will soon be back on track.

yes it will be on track the wrong track at the wrong time if you think the dems are for the lil people I got swamp land in Arizona for you
could write a post that would go on literally for days, but I wont. Theres not point, intelligent people have seen for themselves the bad trip we've been on for the past 6 years. Yeah, I know, I'll hear the standard Republican rebutal. But you know what? I don't buy it. I'm fed up just like 65% of Americans.

Blast away silly republicans. I'm not listening. Lets see what happens at the polls haven't seen a bad trip yet
__________________stock market dropped
