Git Er Dun

Re: Wish I knew what you were talking about!

Originally posted by Debbie Cummins
I can't type I'm laughing toooooo hard !!!!

Jimmy keeps me in the dark, so what is he talking about?

Jimmy, do you have this DVD thing upstairs? Can I see it if you have it up there? Or do I have to come up and snoop around again for very interesting things? I find sooooo much out when I do that! HAHA

We are a very interesting family, now aren't we?

its called THE BLUE COLLAR COMEDY TOUR with the varouis comendains I posted above you need to rent it or buy it at WALMART you will laugh your but off
Just go straight to buying it...don't even bother with renting it is absolutely hilarious! My only complaint about it is Ron White doesn't get enough time by himself. I think he steals the show he is so damn fun.

"We flew from Flagstaff to Phoenix in a plane...we were going about half the speed of Smell" "A pack of geese flew up behind us and the pilot said "GO AROUND"
wow jimmy... you crack me up... by the way.. youve got me saying that now, and everyone at school says it.. i even got my geometry teacher to say it! ha.. and hes like 60... lol...
We rented that this weekend and we laughed so hard, My chest hurt, that was the best!!!
Talk about a hard dvd to rent, your best bet is to buy it, I was just lucky enough to be in the movie store when it was returned, they said they cant keep it in at all
