Heard talk of a new track being built ?

I heard talk of a new track being built, near Alexander, IL between Jacksonville, and New Berlin. Has anyone else heard anything, or is it just a rumor floating around Jacksonville.
I heard a RUMOR earlier this year of a track being built in the Albers, IL area on some old mine property. Has anybody heard that RUMOR??
Yes it is supposedly true. I have heard from two different people who are well connected in racing. I haven't seen it myself but the one person I know has driven by it and said the track itself is constructed. He said it looked to be, size wise, between jacksonville size and macon size. I'm not sure about the banking. I was thinking about driving out past if I get bored this weekend (i'll try to get pics). It is just past Alexander (springfield side) on old US 36 and I hear it is right up on the road too. I heard from both guys that steve sheppard sr built it and I guess may operate in the next year or two. As I keep saying this is what I HEARD so I'm not trying to start a rumor, if anyone has the facts let us know, especially if anything I have said is wrong because I don't want to be posting false info.
If its between the size of Jacksonville and Macon, thats just what we need up here another half of a track running. If its any smaller than TCS I will just drive the 85 miles on Friday night instead of going four miles down the road.
It's being built. I was up that way last weekend and went by it. Steve Sheppard Sr. is building it. Its outside New Berlin. Heard opening day is some time off.
Yes you are right it is close to highland,belleville, and mt vernon. Thats why I stressed it is a rumor but i didn't know if anyone else had heard it?
New Berlin, IL is about halfway between Springfield and Jacksonville off I-72. That should be 95-100 miles from Highland
I'm glad to hear that it is not a rumor, about the track being built, between New berlin, and Alexander, and i hope it is a success. I will look foreward to opening night!
I got bored today and went to find it. I took some pics but don't know how to post them and I don't have time to look how to do it. The track does look smaller than Jville and is right on the roadside, practically on the road. It's between the road and some railroad tracks. Didn't seem like a whole lot of room. Still neat though. It was about 2 miles outside of alexander and about 4 miles outside of New Berlin. ok later.
