hey everyone

Redline Motors

New Member
hows everyone doing? Good Ihope. I'm fine just hot and dirty. Anyway I wanted to tell everyone goodluck I know the season is gettin ready to start so ya'll have fun and be careful. Kenny dad told me you were running a ribbon on your car. Thank you I really appreciate that. Got to go.
Chris it's great to hear from you and good to know you're doing ok. Please stay safe and let us hear from you as often as you can.

I've lost your email address so send it to me through here and I'll forward the results and stuff to you after each race.

Glad to hear from u buddy. I hope things are going as well as could be expected over there. Hey, just think in a week we will all be dirty and hot. Take care of yourself and we will all be missing you during the season.
Good to hear from you Chris! Like Chuck said, we'll all be hot and dirty pretty soon. Be careful and good luck, We'll take GOOD care of that truck while you're gone:D See ya when you get home. God Bless.
yeah randy I bet you'll take real good care of it. They painted the truck white again this year so I wanna take a quick poll to who is gonna add what color to it. I forgot to tell you I did a little rubbing in the Hummer on they highway the other day against a diesal and trailer. It was his fault but no one threw a black flag. Hahahaha Anyway it was good practice. well gotto go. C-ya guys
I'm calling the rear bumper.....

Not sure what color though, I'm havin' a lil difficulty with that one. Might still be purple, or it may be red, white and blue like the dwarfcar is.

Either way I'll be nice:D No need in roughin up the ol' man too much!
