Highland playday ?

So is highland having a sloppy playday with frost still in the ground ?
There is another scheduled for the 11th.

My assumption is we will be OK for Tuesday IF we don't get any more wet stuff, and it's as warm as they say it will be.
Warm weather just equals frost coming out of the ground causing a sloppy mess with or without rain. I hate to say it but I don't think there will be much racing before the end of march assuming the weather warms up and stays that way! On another note please please please someone out there prove me wrong!!! Lol
Play Day on Saturday, March 8th has been canceled. There is still ice and snow on the ground and the frost line is pretty deep still. It is early and we knew that there was a chance that winter would prevail. We are going to work hard at racing on all of our March dates, however Old Man Winter and Mother Nature will decide if that is possible or not. Don't forget to come out and join us Saturday, March 8th for the Highland Speedway Season Kickoff Chicken and Beer Dance at the Expo Hall. It is going to be a fun night and there will be some great chicken!!!!
