Highland Updates 7/27/19


Well-Known Member
Current car counts 19 LM (including Rodney Melvin) 12 Modifieds 14 Pro Mods and 15 Street Stock.
Ventimiglia and M McClintock win Street Stock heats. Vintage heats before dashes. LM bonus is up to $900 tonight!
LM redraw makes LM front row Klein and Tischhauser but Klein takes the $900 challenge! Now front row is Tischhauser and Friedrich.
LM top 8 will be Tischhauser-Friedrich Melvin-Bailey Suhre-J Zobrist Voigt-Klein. Zobrist starts 17th.
Last edited:
LM finish Klein Melvin Bailey Kuhn Voigt J Zobrist Suhre Oller Baumann Workman Horner Lap down Koch Jacober Helmkamp DNF Friedrich Miller Tischhauser Wisely
Mod finish Rob Eilers Horstmann Deibert Sellers Smith Jr. Ryan Eilers Moake Schantz Lee Deiters DNF Wolf Garson
