
well one reason y they dont have makeups on sunday is because alot of there big drivers like frankie martin, salty dog kenny rumble and alot of other ones run at belleville 4 points to and if belleville rains out friday they always run on sundays if u wanna see some good racing tonight come out to belle-Clair speedway tonight should be alot of good cars
You have to have officials to run the show and they run both Highland and Brownstown. You can't be in two places at the same time. Brownstown has the $1000 to win Mod show scheduled for this week and they want to get that show in if possible for the Mod drivers. If Brownstown did not have that show schedule then there could be a makeup, but I don't think that ever happened.
no late models for brownstown tonight. just 1000 to win for modifieds. I'm guessing that's why they have a makeup date for Friday.
