highlands website


every time i go to highlands website my virus protection says there is a virus on the site and that it is unavailable is anyone else having this issue
I'm having problems too. Running IE with Avast Virus Protection. It warns of a Trojan Horse Virus. Has always worked fine until this morning.
Running IE8 with McAfee, no warnings but text of lead story isn't displayed properly. Lookes like it's highlighted in white? Everything else seems to be fine.
every time i go to highlands website my virus protection says there is a virus on the site and that it is unavailable is anyone else having this issue
I got the same virus warning and website unavailable message on both Highland and Tr City websites.
I'm running Firefox with Avast.
The same thing started happening to me on the computers at work a few weeks ago calling the website a security risk. No problems on my computers at home.
The "Share This" plugin that allowed users to "LIKE", SHARE, RETWEET, etc to facebook and twitter has been causing false positives to AVAST within the last week. I've disabled that on Highland & Tri-City's website. So try visiting those sites again and let me know if AVAST still has the issue..
