How much is STLRACING worth?


Patience Tester
Here's something I think might make a few people smile. I ran some "whois" searches tonight, just cause I don't have anything better to do, and when I was doing this I noticed it gave the option of having the domain valued, in case you wanted to make an offer to buy a particular domain. So just for fun, I valued the name, and it gave me a figure. Then, just for grins and for comparison, I stuck in and valued it.

The result? Both and were valued the same. Go figure. Jimmy, you're sitting on a goldmine.:eek: :eek: :D :D
Did I here someone say GOLD ???? Hey Jimmy dont you remember me ??? Im your cousins brothers sisters uncle on your aunts side of your uncle jims brother in laws sisters husband....... LOL !!! :)
When I tell you Jim lives in a Palace in St. Peters, I wasn't You ever see the property taxes out

John Barr
The Trashdog
You wouldn't believe the number of tourist's that come to watch the changing of the guards!!

I understand the Dog was looking to start a souviner shop across the street.
