How's The Poweri Midget Count Looking For Tonight?

It should be the normal car count for Belleville around 30 or so. I don't see any reason it would be any less.
loyet, daum, derek king, steve knepper,hess, lehmann. then maybe tim siner. not sure. knepper came from 19th to 4th.
Brett came from 18th to 5th and was in a racing accident that wasn't his fault. It was one of the best races I have ever seen for the lead and all the way thru the pack.
side show bob...

didn't stay for the midget main (fatherly duties) but from what i understand, anderson was running about fifth (had to start in the back due to having to run the semi). mike hess turned him around, causing anderson to go to the rear, only with about 7 0r 8 laps to go, and didn't advance much from there. heard he wan't happy at all with mr. hess. that is what i heard. didn't see it for myself.
like i said; wasn't there to see it for myself; but, i do know that anderson went after hess after he restarted.... so, what does that tell ya? as long as i have known steve, that doesn't sound at all like something he would have done. but, if you saw something different that what i have been told, then good for you.
