I-55 brings back dashes and eliminates dice roll...


Staff member
Federated Auto Parts Raceway at I-55 announces several changes to the race format...

There will be 2 dashes ran each week.. Dashes will be lined up heads up from passing points (highest passing point car on the pole and so on). Features will be lined up exactly how the dash finishes. Top 6 in passing points go to the dash (top 8 to dash with 31 or more cars).

UMP Late Models will run a dash every week. (Except specials that run their own series format)

UMP Modifieds & UMP Sportsman will alternate having a dash each race week...

Pro 4's and the Mods or Sportsman that aren't running the dash will have their feature lining straight up from passing points. Highest in passing points on the pole and so on.
Great move by Federated, shouldnt have ever changed. Now if we can just get AB products back we'll be back to top notch. Thanks I55!
a suggestion from a racers point of view is what ever class is not running a dash be the first feature that way the cars that run the dash have extra time to make repairs if there is an acident in the dashes thanks for any consideration
