I-55 Tech Man

I would like to thank the I-55 raceway tech man (I think his name is Jim). He came over before the race started at the Pepsi Nationals and told us that our wheel base was 107 and 7/8". It was illegal to the rules so he had us jack up the car and take all the wheels off to remeasure and resolve the problem early. Good job on letting people know what they need to fix before they race. Thank you from Eilers Racing.
We had to put the car on stands as well. It wasn't Jim that checked ours but Dennis Klein and a couple other guys. All very cool and answered some questions we had on the rules. I don't hesitate to voice my opinion when I feel somethings not right, but these guys do a great job from top to bottom (promoting to teching) and the Fall Nationals is a race that no other track/officiating crew can even come close too.
