Jimmy Dearing should be honored


I have never been fortunate enough to meet Jimmy Dearing but I will give him a much deserved pat on the back. This web site is a super place for us race fans to meet and discuss the auto racing in our area. I can't imagine what it was like before stlracing.com came along! His web site has been a great asset to all of us and all local tracks should not only introduce him to us fans, but honor him in some way.

Here's a couple ideas I had. How about a race named in his honor? stlracing.com 50 lap feature? Jimmy Dearing 100? I'd love to see Mike Meuer interview him and find out how this great web site got started and what caused him to create it? I'd also like to know if this is his full time job? I'm sure he spends hours each day posting information, photos, and answering our questions. Jimmy also found the time to mail me some stlracing.com stickers of which I will proudly put on my Jeep! It will fly next to my Lansford #42 sticker!

Again thanks Jimmy for all you have done for auto racing in our area. Owners, drivers, sponsors, and fans all appreciate it!

I will answer a few of your questions...

No, it is not my full time job. I work full time for Electronic Data Systems (EDS).

I originally moved to St. Louis in 1996 when I was still in the U.S. Army. I was stationed at the Federal Records Center on Page Ave. I had been around racing all my life. My dad raced forever and my grandfather before that. I raced in my teenage years before I joined the Army. From 1993 - 1996 I race IMCA Modifieds in Texas while I was an Army Recruiter.

Once I had finished my time as a recruiter and was transferred to St. Louis, I sold all my racing stuff. I naturally started just going and watching the races here in the St. Louis area. I soon became frustrated that the St. Louis area had all these tracks and there was really no way to find the results. In 1997, I started stlracing.com as a small site with little info. I would hand out business cards at St. Charles Speedway with the website info on them. I just kept trying to get the word out as much as possible.

Finally, the site took off and has grown into something I never dreamed of.

I do spend a few hours each day with this site and the 8 or 10 other much smaller websites that I do.

I am also on track to attend near 90 nights of racing this season!!

Thanks for all the good comments!!!
Wow, i agree, this website is great and makes the racing world alot simpler, you get the results alot sooner than word of mouth...and now you are giving out free decals to us, at .60 cents a postage stamp!!! Im sure that adds up, especially after all the fans of your website!!! This racing website is better than any others out there, I dont know what we would do without it...lol my dad is on here all the time reading results, even him being computer illiterate, i think you have spoiled him with this website!! We all owe you a big thanks and more...
I agree!!! A special thanks for all the info on here. I also think he should be recognized at area tracks. I am on here all the time. I dont think i do anything on computer anymore but check in here and see whats new. A big thanks to you Jimmy.
Yes a Big thanks to J.D. this site is awesome alot of hard work has surely been put into it. Way to go J.D. and I to think he should be recognized at the tracks when he is there and it would be neat to know which tracks hes at at what dates to.
Great Site Jdearing

You do a GREAT job Jimmy helps a lot of people keep up on the area's racer's and track's. Keep it up.! I know you get around to alot of races, does it seem to you like this area has some of the best talent and tracks. If you look at the ump points most of the top teams are from StL racing region. Just my thoughts ...keep up the great site. Thanks jcup
There is definitely not many places that you could go and see the quality of racing that you see in this area!!
Thanks for posting the background info, kinda "all the things we wanted to know but were afraid to ask" lol It was nice finally meeting you this week, and thanks a bunch for all that you do here. It has helped me more than you will ever know as far as information, contacts, you name it. A lot of good help has come from people I have gotten to know through here, and it is very much appreciated.
Yes..well said. He deserves everything we can give him..and then some. Puts up with the news..attitudes..opinions..ect from here..and seems to put it all together. Im all for an honorary night for him..any thoughts? Or..trophy..or..plaque?
you are right there should be a r4ace named after him this is a great site for us race fans and everybody else goo job jimmy
And let me just add, from one military man to another, thanks for the service to your country Jimmy D. You are the heat for us racin' maniacs !!!
Thanks for all you do Jimmy . This is a Wonderful site and I spend all my time in here getting info for DW and his crew. Once again a BIG THANK YOU from all of us in Quincy :)
Jimmy is indeed a class person with whom I have not only met but on ocasion sat and dined after the races and feel most fortunate to nominate a Jimmy Dearing Memorial 100 raacing modifieds at I-55 as he indicates that is the class he raced in Texas and I believe I55 is the track he attends most often, should be for 3-5 k purse should fill the house.
jimmie do the other site that you do have anything to do with raceing or what kinda websits are they yeah i would have to say that this is mostlikel;y the best user friendly website because you can be computer stupid like me and use thie website perficly fine good job
Jimmy Dearing

Jimmy and his wife ( Ranee ) Are CLASS ACT people ..... Their kids are very good kids also A good family. A compliment to the racing environment by all means. I have to say THEY ARE ONE of the BEST things about the Stl. area racing. I know them and they are WONDERFUL PEOPLE!!!! :) Thanks to the DEARINGS for all ya'll do.. :)
racefan1932 said:
Jimmy is indeed a class person with whom I have not only met but on ocasion sat and dined after the races and feel most fortunate to nominate a Jimmy Dearing Memorial 100 raacing modifieds at I-55 as he indicates that is the class he raced in Texas and I believe I55 is the track he attends most often, should be for 3-5 k purse should fill the house.

It would be neat thing to have a race in his honor, BUT Jimmy ain’t dead! Let’s not get in a hurry to have a memorial anything for him!

Great site Jimmy, thank you!
Just wanted to add my appreciation to the list Jimmy. In the short time that I've known you we've certainly had our ups and downs. But I'm glad to say that you're a friend. I appreciate you keeping me company at the track a few times when I was left to sit alone. If there is ever anything I can do to help you in your racing work please let me know!
