KY Lake Motorspeedway


New Member
Been hearing alot of talk of it re-opening next year, and maybe even one race this year.
I was by there yesterday coming back from Bulls Gap & Tazwell and there is a sign Flashing and it said FOR SALE and it was flashing a Phone number. Track looks like it has had nothing done to it in a while. The track has grass or weed's growing on it.
I wonder if KLMS needs a permit to operate and if so, is it still valid or would Sherri have to apply again. I'm afraid if she has to re-apply, the residents in Marshall Co. would try and stop the track from re-opening. They didn't want it there to begin with and now that it's been closed I'm sure they will try to keep it that way.:confused:
I heard that is why they are going to try to have a race there this year, they have to to keep permit or something like that. Just what I heard .
Ya that is a real shame that's it not being used. Been there several times . I used to always look forward to the Comonwealth Cup at the end of the year .Hopefully somebody can make a go of it. If not Sherry Heckenast somebody else.
I know they were looking into running there when Paducah was underwater last year, but the repairs were much too extensive. I used to love the early bird race there...even though I was usually frozen to my seat.
