Lake Ozark Speedway to host Memorial Race


Staff member
Matthew Merrill lost his life in a tragic four-wheeler accident on July 31, 2007. He was a happy 13 year old teenager whose smile was contagious. He loved to spend time with his friends, talk on the phone, and play video games. In addition he had a great passion for racing which he inherited from his father, uncle, and grandfather. He loved to go fast.

Because of Matthew’s personality and love for the races, Lake Ozark Speedway will be hosting the First Annual Matthew Merrill Memorial Race on May 31, 2008. Matthew was known to be seen in the pits congratulating drivers and telling them what a great job they were doing even if they had just run the worst race of their career. Matthew was eager to lend a helping had to any driver who would let him help out and also helped in any way he could around the track.

There are some special activities planned for the evening including the flag ceremony presented by Matthew’s Boy Scout Troop 120 and the National Anthem sung by some of Matthew’s classmates. In addition a poem written by Matthew’s aunt will be read.

Memorial T-shirts will be available for purchase at a cost of $15.

A NASCAR quilt, put together by coworkers of Matthew’s mother is being raffled off. The cost of the raffle tickets is $1 each or 6 for $5. The quilt will be on display at the race track and the winner will be announced at Lake Ozark Speedway the night of the race.

All proceeds from the t-shirt sales and the raffle tickets will go to purchase equipment for the Safety Crew in Matthew’s name. Matthew loved racing and this will be his way of doing something that will benefit all drivers.

Hot laps start at 6:30 with races starting at 7:00. For additional information about the Lake Ozark Speedway and the Matthew Merrill Memorial Race visit the tracks website at

T-shirts and tickets can be purchased at Lake Ozark Speedway at the races on Saturday nights, by calling 1-800-617-9077, or emailing

Please join us for a special dedication to Matthew Merrill. Lake Ozark Speedway staff will unveil a banner in memory of Matthew. The banner will carry Matthew in our hearts every Saturday night as he watches over us and we remember him at Lake Ozark Speedway.
