Lap Flag...


New Member
I have a question... Why is it that probably 98% of the time the flag guy Never uses the lap flag ... usually if anything he tries to get the drivers to see his HAND... But when there are visitors at the track and that visitor is in the lead... Low an behold out pops that mysterious lap flag (blue with a red stripe)?? Or at least I think it is... Its so clean from not ever being used any other time I was just curious... Because I personally feel like its hard enough to watch where your going and other drivers without attempting to figure out if the flag guy is waving or trying to get someone to move due to being lapped...???
well gee folks schrader had prolly 5 or 6 lapped cars in his way they needed to get out of the way therefore the flag man was throwing the blue and "orange" flag to get the lap cars to get out of the way before there was a crash especially involving the leader and cars on the lead lap. ive seen the flagman throw the blue and orange flag many times. so i dunno where you get just cause schrader was there the flagman was only throwing it then. A good flagman thats been doing it for years and years, in fact hes been doing it ever since i started going to the races and i was arnd 7 or 8 at that time and im 27 now ive never seen him show any favortism and thats kinda what your post is sayin ladycrimzon. youre kinda makin it out like the flagman was showing favortism towards schrader and thats not the case. he was doing what a good flagman should do and thats keep the show going without cars gettin destroyed. to sum this up the blue and orange flag ive always seen thrown when lap traffic is gettin in the way of leader and lead lap cars.
you won't find a better flagman than John. He was waving the lap flag many times during the sprint feature. John is very fair in making calls and isn't afraid to make one. I have seen John make a call on his daughter Megan one time (and got chewed out also) he missed the call. But when he does mess up (very seldom) he will admit it. Keep up the good work John
Paul Will
Wasn't meant as a favoritism post or comment, all I am saying is in my opinion (and that's all it is) is that John should use the flag more. We see him use his hand a lot more than that flag. He used it a lot Saturday night for the Mods and the sprints. I don't feel it is used enough. I have seen quite a few races where Lap traffic has been in the way of a leader and either nothing was done or he may have waved his hand. No one is perfect and i am not knocking Anyone. Just stating an opinion and a question as to why wasn't the Lap flag used more often... Kinda what forums are for... Correct?

Not to often lap cars move out of the way if the flag is used anyway...

In all reality, there is no set place for a lap car to go exspecially since every different drivers like to run different lines. All the flag is really good for is just a warning to the people getting lapped that faster cars are coming through.
Lap Flag....

Some Drivers don't like the Lap Flag.... If a driver is holding there line, like they should be... The lead cars are always watching ahead of them and can see where he needs to go.... If a driver see's the Lap Flag and starts moving around, all that does is cause problems for the leaders....
Amen! I hate it... I'd rather just pattern what the lap car is doing, and make my move. Always seems that, when flagged, lap cars seem to move around more and/or drive harder trying to get out of the way.
you want to talk about flags WHY don't flag man use the checked flag when hot laps are done insted of yellow flag and pointing ????? being he's been doing it for such a loooooooooonnnnnnnnggggg time
Wasn't meant as a favoritism post or comment, all I am saying is in my opinion (and that's all it is) is that John should use the flag more. We see him use his hand a lot more than that flag. He used it a lot Saturday night for the Mods and the sprints. I don't feel it is used enough. I have seen quite a few races where Lap traffic has been in the way of a leader and either nothing was done or he may have waved his hand. No one is perfect and i am not knocking Anyone. Just stating an opinion and a question as to why wasn't the Lap flag used more often... Kinda what forums are for... Correct?


I'm not pickin on ya ladycrimzon everyone is entitles to their opinion. But in my opinion the flagman was doing his job and doing it right.
Maybe because he's flagged that way for years and it seems like every driver understands it just fine. I'm sure you would all do it perfect :)
The last time i noticed the flagman using the lap flag at sfcr he was waving it wildly like he was dropping the green flag for the start of a race. -Improper procedure- You dont wave it wildly it will just look like the green flag to the drivers. Just hold it open and kind of hang it down and the drivers can see what it is......otherwise the drivers will just think its the green flag......
Hopefully they don't think it's a green flag in the middle of a race... if so they shouldn't be on the track. Atleast not at sfcr since the green flag isn't dropped before the white.
skoob03 This is just my opinion.And lord knows I've been wrong lots.But HOT LAPS is a warm up of the car to see how it is handling. NOT A RACE. So yellow meaning slow down caution. Not checkered Hey you won stop and pick up the flag and do your victory lap.
