Latemodel For Sale


2000 Warrior under rail 4 bar. Car was on the half mile at TCS for the last two years and this year on the quarter. Cant keep a body on it. Frustrated and ready to sell. Would like to sell complete with open trailer. Will consider separating for the right price. Every spare part and wheels go with this deal. Leave replies on here and I will contact you.
Ken Johnson #17
Don't do it Ken, your making too much progress. Everybody has these times, although this year has been pretty rough for you.
Randy Braman

Sorry Ken , I understand, believe me. But, none of here at the Braman plantation want you to quit.
I second that dont go Ken you are the reason that I am racing it is just hornet class but you told me somethng once a few years back, that DONT give up on your dream no matter what class you drive in if it is your dream go with it dont let it get by ya. I have never forgot that and now I am racing and having a blast and I owe it all to you, Thanks Ken. Pat Harper #44,,, P.S. We blew the trans at Greenville Sunday in the A main,,
Thanks everyone. It seems I just cant shake those lucky 7s. Did I say 7s ?
I need about $2000 to break even with the lucky 7s. Then maybe it would be better.
Ken Johnson #17
Think About It Ken

think about it ken,long and hard,but i know you will
after my wreck last year,i thought the same thing,i was done,now its killing me to want to get back in one

