Life In The Big City


Well-Known Member
Check out the attached picture,,I was in St.louis the other day,waiting at the stop light at Delmar and Kingshighway and herd someone on a loud speaker,looked to my left and a old man half out in the street preaching gospel and a lady with a sign telling all us sinners its time to repent...this post is in no way to make fun of the deal but just to point out that every one has their own values,,us racers and the old preacher man trying to spread the lords word to some less than interested motorists,,could be some of the folks that post on this site with sometimes cruel comments might just try to raise their values out of the gutter.....OH YA,,I grew up less than a mile from where I shot the picture
I used to see that guy on that same corner almost every day when I went to lunch from Ranken. I got a kick out of him; he gets excited when you honk at him.
