Low Tire Prices!!!!

LOL..... Maybe he can't read...! Or maybe the sun was glaring off the screen of his computer when he put it on here and didn't see it...! Or maybe he has alzheimers and just forgot.... ! OR maybe this is the second or third time he's done it and just does what he wants to do.!
Or maybe he was doing people like me who buy these things a favor, cause I bet at the price he had posted, he's not making a whole lot on these things. Millsey, I guess that Drivers Seat thing you post about in EVERY ONE of your posts is not for profit, if so I bet it's not that way by design.
Actually it is a hobby and a non-profit newspaper. Now what do you have to say about that smart ***..
I think by the looks of your first post your the smarta**, if it wasn't for you advertising all the time on here nobody would know what the hell a rams car is.
But you will get over it.

Look, I was joking and playing around with the guy. If somebody wants to take everything serious then that's their problem.
Jim Morrison..is a nice..even going guy..who may not even have put that ad on here..so..dont blame him. Second..he respect anyone..who does anything..related to racing..so..no..he wouldnt do that..just because it is something he just wanted to do. Ive seen other people..post things on here..with links to businesses..and web sites. And they dont have a banner here. I know of 1 person..wo posts alot..with a link to a chat site..which..makes money everytime someone goes there. He wasnt advertising his business..he got a butt load of tires..cheap..and wanted the racers to benefit. Know how much he made..selling those tires..at those prices? Lucky..if he made 2 dollars..a piece.Just saying..racer94, CC28 and 99 are right. It was his first post here..too. Look at the post count. He may have not known. It was not nice..to say things to him..bash him..right off the bat.
I have no problem with most of the statements on this board, but how anyone would ever take your post as joking or playing around with someone is beyond me.
I'll guarantee you that what CC-28 says is the the truth.
Oh, by the way I am a smartass.
Look, this was not intended to be a post attacking someone.. If it was taken that way I'm sorry because it was not meant that way no matter how you may think it was intended.
Jeff, Why the edit, I received your orig version of this post in an e-mail ( sent by this site) at 10:06 PM and it certainly doesn't look like what you are saying now.
Hey I heard it wasn't even Jim, But it was that old fart Marv Pruett just tryin to cause some trouble for the new guy. Hey maybe they were racing tires for those darn scooter's he hops up for those old "friends" of his, he may play all computer dumb,But I heard he's a mastermind when it comes to internet hacking , I'll bet he's your culprate
marv usedo say that wick was selling his tires at a loss just to cut his throat.maybe marv was making a killing .