MATT MILLER invades Victory Lane at East Bay in Night #4


Staff member
East Bay Raceway Park
Gibsonton, FL.
by: Terry Young

A new high car count thus far for the 30th Annual WINTERNATIONALS was established this evening as the LUCAS OIL Dirt Late Model Series fell just short of breaking the 100 car mark as 98 cars signed in for the evenings activities. Under beautiful sunny skies and a breezy afternoon, I was reminded once again just how great it is to spend a February day in the beautiful Tampa area! 106 different drivers have now participated in this years Speedweeks at East Bay Raceway and only 9 drivers made the first three events. Those drivers include Earl Pearson, Jr., Matt Miller, Brian Birkhofer, Shannon Babb, Rick Eckert, Dennis Erb, Jr., Tim McCreadie, Clint Smith and Donnie Moran.

This evenings event would be the first points race of 2006 for the LUCAS series drivers. As such, this also marked the first event of the year where provisionals became available to drivers. This event utilized the 2005 final point standings as the gauge for eligibility for a provisional. LUCAS OIL drivers are allowed a maximum of 8 provisional starting spots over the course of the season.

COMP CAMS Qualifying Results:
Tim McCreadie 15.412
Josh Mcguire 15.420
Dale McDowell 15.487
Vic Coffey 15.501
Chub Frank 15.510
John Blankenship 15.551
Shannon Babb 15.610
Terry English 15.621
Jimmy Mars 15.628
Brian Birkhofer 15.657
David Scott 15.666
Eric Jacobsen 15.672
Earl Pearson, Jr., 15.780
Rusty Dixon 15.783
Don O'Neal 15.783
Bryan Collins 15.798
Jason Montgomery 15.835
Anthony White 15.836
Bart Hartman 15.855
Matt Miller 15.883
Freddy Smith 15.886
Donnie Moran 15.889
Darren Miller 15.897
Don Hammer 15.901
Joe Morris 15.921
Scott James 15.930
Marshall Austin 15.957
Gerald Davis 15.964
Dennis Erb, Jr. 15.976
Dan Stone 15.996
Jared Landers 16.002
JordanBland 16.012
Dean Carpenter 16.026
Eddie Carrier, Jr. 16.094
Steve Casebolt 16.096
Wendell Wallace 16.109
Rick Eckert 16.112
Doug Horton 16.115
Ricky Arms 16.115
Ricky Elliott 16.120
Sonny Conley 16.123
Jimmy Owens 16.127
Marshall Green 16.137
Brad Neat 16.152
John VanDenBerg 16.153
Brian Shirley 16.163
Garrett Durrett 16.177
John Mason 16.185
Tim Fuller 16.188
Clint Coffman 16.199
Tim Dohm 16.201
Clint Smith 16.223
Rodney Melvin 16.254
Billy Moyer 16.278
Mike Johnson 16.279
Scott Dedwylder 16.293
Randy Weaver 16.307
Brady Smith 16.322
Steve Hillard 16.323
Dan Schlieper 16.329
Bo Feathers 16.354
Steve Francis 16.371
Wayne Johnson 16.427
Robbie Blair 16.432
Tim Senic 16.438
Corey Conley 16.456
Justin Rattliff 16.459
Jackie Boggs 16.471
Terry Casey 16.512
Wade Witherspoon 16.515
Ray Cook 16.553
Randy Korte 16.623
Jeff Cooke 16.641
Michael England 16.681
Danny Mitchell 16.710
Anthony Rushing 16.720
Butch McGill 16.727
Freddie Carpenter 16.757
Davey Johnson 16.764
C.J. Rayburn 16.787
Richard Wheelihan 16.791
Joey Tanner 16.804
Jason Flory 16.804
Roger Lucas 16.825
Randy Lucas 16.844
Damon Eller 16.882
Brent Robinson 16.888
Lee Thomason 16.922
Charles Duncan 17.056
Scott Riggs 17.173
Ellis Parker 17.343
Larry Smith 17.416
Jeff Gress 17.437
Kristin Flory 17.478
Christian Rayburn 17.499
Michael Jackson 17.653
Bob Geiger 18.296

Qualifying Complete Time Listing
Shannon Babb 15.756, 15.610
Jason Montgomery 15.913, 15.835
Wayne Johnson 16.609, 16.427
Clint Coffman SPIN, 16.199
Dean Carpenter 16.026, 16.209
Vic Coffey 15.594, 15.501
Chub Frank 15.575, 15.510
Dale McDowell 15.909, 15.487
Brad Neat 16.152, 16.839
Daniel Stone 16.112, 15.966
Joey Tanner 16.804, 17.534
Wade Witherspoon 16.533, 16.515
Anthony White 15.836, 16.517

Bryan Collins 16.025, 15.798
Steve Casebolt 16.382, 16.096
Jimmy Mars 15.628, 15.864
Josh McGuire 15.420, 16.181
Randy Lucas 16.844, 18.665
Evan Harrell
Terry English 15.621, 15.670
John Blankenship 15.72615.551
Sonny Conley 16.123, 16.184
Joe Morris 16.141, 15.921
Eric Jacobsen 15.672, 15.945
Danny Mitchell 16.710, 16.832
Rusty Dixon 16.435, 15.783

Don Hammer 15.981, 15.901
Bo Feathers 16.501, 16.354
Michael Jackson 17.653, SPIN
Gerald Davis 16.127, 15.964
Marshall Austin 16.277, 15.957
Tim McCreadie 15.412, 15.563
David Scott 15.666, 16.942
Ricky Elliott 16.154, 16.120
Freddy Smith 16.478, 15.886
Jordan Bland 16.347, 16.012
Brian Shirley 16.163, 16.265
Dennis Erb, Jr. 16.060, 15.976

Doug Horton 16.115, 16.138
Scott Dedwylder 16.293, 16.356
Brian Birkhofer 15.657, 15.804
Bart Hartman 15.855, 16.247
Tim Senic 16.764, 16.438
Tim Dohm 16.439, 16.201
John VanDenBerg 16.153, 16.191
Charles Duncan 17.198, 17.056
Dan Schlieper 16.329, 16.539
Garrett Durrett 16.397, 16.177
Don O'Neal15.960, 15.783
John Mason 16.185, 16.253

Jeff Cooke 18.074, 16.641
Richard Wheelihan 17.136, 16.791
Matt Miller 15.883, 15.948
Randy Weaver 17.460, 16.307
Scott James 16.051, 15.930
Darren Miller 16.522, 15.897
Jimmy Owens 16.127, 16.187
Earl Pearson, Jr.15.962, 15.780
Jared Landers 16.070, 16.002
Mike Johnson 16.485, 16.279
Steve Hillard 16.323, 16.479
Billy Moyer 16.278, 16.411

Brent Robinson 16.888, 16.928
Butch McGill 16.661, 16.727
Marshall Green 16.137, 18.440
Ellis Parker 17.343, 17.405
Rodney Melvin 16.551, 16.254
Damon Eller 16.882, 17.200
Davey Johnson 16.764, 16.982
Lee Thomason 17.265, 16.922
Freddie Carpenter 16.775, 16.757
Scott Riggs 17.173, 17.342
Eddie Carrier, Jr. 16.094, 16.323
Jackie Boggs 16.471, 16.476

Brady Smith 16.485, 16.322
Clint Smith 16.714, 16.223
Jeff Gress 17.437, SPIN
C.J. Rayburn 16.896, 16.787
Roger Lucas 16.825, 16.978
Rick Eckert 16.112, 16.132
Ray Cook 16.709, 16.553
Kristin Flory 17.478, SPIN
Justin Rattliff 16.459, 17.393
Robbie Blair 16.877, 16.432
Michael England 16.681, SPIN
Ricky Arms 16.115, 16.634

Larry Smith SPIN, 17.416
Tim Fuller 16.188, 16.475
Randy Korte 16.623, NO TIME
Anthony Rushing 17.178, 16.720
Jason Flory 16.804, 16.893
Steve Francis 16.507, 16.371
Wendell Wallace 16.577, 16.109
Donnie Moran 15.889, 15.949
Christian Rayburn 17.499, 17.842
Corey Conley 16.880, 16.456
Terry Casey 16.696, 16.512
Bob Geiger 18.322, 18.296

Heat #1
Joe Morris-Jason Montgomery
Jimmy Mars-Tim McCreadie
Dean Carpenter-Sonny Conley
Tim Fuller-Randy Weaver
Tim Senic-Jeff Cooke
Richard Wheelihan-Charles Duncan
Bob Geiger
Finish: 1.Jason Montgomery 2.Tim McCreadie 3.Randy Weaver 4.Tim Fuller 5.Jeff Cooke 6. Dean Carpenter 7.Joe Morris 8.Sonny Conley 9.Charles Duncan

Heat #2
Scott James-Anthony White
Brian Birkhofer-Josh McGuire
Eddie Carrier, Jr.-Jimmy Owens
Clint Coffman-Brady Smith
Corey Conley-Butch McGill
Joey Tanner-Scott Riggs
Evan Harrell
Finish: 1.Scott James 2.Eddie Carrier, Jr. 3.Anthony White 4.Brian Birkhofer 5.Jimmy Owens 6.Clint Coffman 7.Evan Harrell 8.Josh McGuire 9.Corey Conley 10.Butch McGill 11.Joey Tanner 12.Brady Smith 13.Scott Riggs

Heat #3
Marshall Austin-Bart Hartman
David Scott-Dale McDowell
Steve Casebolt-Marshall Green-Scratched Prior to Heat
Tim Dohm-Steve Hilllard
Justin Rattliff-Michael England
Jason Flory-Ellis Parker
Finish: 1.Bart Hartman 2.Steve Casebolt 3.Michael England 4.David Scott 5.Tim Dohm 6.Jason Flory 7.Marshall Austin 8.Justin Rattliff 9.Steve Hucovski 10.Ellis Parker

Heat #4
Gerald Davis-Matt Miller
Eric Jacobsen-Vic Coffey
Wendell Wallace-Brad Neat
Clint Smith-Dan Schlieper
Jackie Boggs-Danny Mitchell
Roger Lucas-Larry Smith
Finish: 1.Matt Miller 2.Gerald Davis 3. Vic Coffey 4.Eric Jacobsen 5.Jackie Boggs 6.Clint Smith 7.Roger Lucas 8.Dan Schlieper 9.Danny Mitchell 10.Wendell Wallace 11.Larry Smith

Heat #5
Daniel Stone-Freddy Smith
Earl Pearson, Jr.-Chub Frank
Rick Eckert-John VanDenBerg
Rodney Melvin-Bo Feathers
Terry Casey-Anthony Rushing
Randy Lucas-Jeff Gress
Finish: 1.Earl Pearson 2.Chub Frank 3.Anthony Rushing 4.Rick Eckert 5.John VanDenBerg 6.Bo Feathers 7.Randy Lucas 8. Dan Stone DNF 9.Freddy Smith DNF
10. Terry Casey DNF 11.Rodney Melvin DNF 12. Jeff Gress DNF

Heat #6
Dennis Erb, Jr.-Donnie Moran
Rusty Dixon-John Blankenship
Doug Horton-Brian Shirley
Billy Moyer-Steve Francis
Wade Witherspoon-Freddie Carpenter
Damon Eller-Kristin Flory
Finish: 1.Donnie Moran 2.Dennis Erb, Jr. 3.Doug Horton 4.Billy Moyer 5.Steve Francis 6.Rusty Dixon 7.Wade Witherspoon 8.Brian Shirley 9.Freddie Carpenter 10.Damon Eller 11.John Blankenship 12.Kristin Flory

Heat #7
Jared Landers-Darren Miller
Don O'Neal-Shannon Babb
Ricky Arms-Garrett Durrett
Mike Johnson-Wayne Johnson
Ray Cook-Davey Johnson
Brent Robinson-Christian Rayburn
Finish: 1.Shannon Babb 2.Don O'Neal 3.Jared Landers 4.Darren Miller 5.Davey Johnson 6.Garrett Durrett 7.Ricky Arms 8.Ray Cook 9.Christian Rayburn 10.Brent Robinson 11.Mike Johnson 12.Wayne Johnson

Heat #8
Jordan Bland-Don Hammer
Bryan Collins-Terry English
Ricky Elliott-John Mason
Scott Dedwylder-Robbie Blair
Randy Korte-CJ Rayburn
Lee Thomason-Michael Jackson
Finish: 1.Bryan Collins 2.Terry English 3.Randy Korte 4.Don Hammer 5.Ricky Elliott 6.C.J. Raybrun 7.Lee Thomason 8.Scott Dedwylder

1.Jeff Cooke 2.Tim Fuller 3.Brian Birkhofer 4.Jimmy Mars 5.Brady Smith 6.Josh McGuire 7. Corey Conley 8.Randy Weaver 9.Joey Tanner 10.Bob Geiger

1.Vic Coffey 2.Jackie Boggs 3.Marshall Austin 4.David Scott 5.Clint Smith

1.Billy Moyer 2. Doug Horton 3.Rick Eckert

1.Randy Korte 2. Darren Miller 3.Jared Landers 4.Davey Johnson 5.Ray Cook

1.Josh McGuire 2.Steve Hillard 3.Brian Birkhofer 4.Jared Landers 5.Rick Eckert 6.Jason Flory 7.Brett Robinson 8.C.J. Rayburn 9.Freddie Carpenter

Starting Line-Up
Scott James-Matt Miller
Donnie Moran-Bart Hartman
Shannon Babb-Bryan Collins
Earl Pearson, Jr.-Jason Montgomery
Tim McCreadie-Eddie Carrier, Jr.
Steve Casebolt-Gerald Davis
Chub Frank-Dennis Erb
Don O'Neal-Terry English
Jeff Cooke-Vic Coffey
Billy Moyer-Randy Korte
Tim Fuller-Jackie Boggs
Doug Horton-Darren Miller

Lap 1-7 Matt Miller leads challenged by Moran
Lap 8 - CAUTION Jason Montgomery stalls in 1
Lap 8-11 Miller continues to lead
Lap 12 - CAUTION Gerald Davis spins off of 4
Restart Attempt - CAUTION Gerald Davis spins off of 4
Lap 12-22 Miller leads
Lap 23 - Jeff Cooke spins on front stretch
Lap 24-Miller leads
Lap 25 - CAUTION spin in turn 1&2 involving Darren Miller/Gerald Davis
Lap 26-38 Miller
Lap 39 - CAUTION Gerald Davis spins

Matt Millermade his first ever visit to Victory Lane at the East Bay Raceway Park after leading wire to wire despite several late charge attempts from several drivers. Miller, of Waterville, Ohio drives the Stephen McCullough, Dirt Shop Incorporated, Banshee Graphics ROCKET #7. The team pocketed $7,000.00 for the nights efforts in the 40 lap A-Main event.

1. Matt Miller
2.Earl Pearson, Jr.
3. Dennis Erb
4.Donnie Moran
5.Tim McCreadie
6.Shannon Babb
7.Eddie Carrier, Jr.
8. Terry English
9. Doug Horton
10.Scott James
11.Chub Frank
12.Billy Moyer
13.Vic Coffey
14.Freddy Smith
15.Don O'Neal
16.Darren Miller
17.Steve Casebolt
18.Bryan Collins
19.Gerald Davis
20.Jackie Boggs
21.Randy Korte
22.Tim Dohm
23.Tim Fuller
24. Jeff Cooke
25.Bart Hartman
26. Jason Montgomery
