MMP $300 to win street stocks this saturday night.


Well-Known Member
Wow now that's a great payout you guys deserve. If you guys show up and support the class the pay could go up to crate pay. It's only gonna be mixed till casey see who is serious about racing there. Bring your cars out and give it a try. I've done my part and got you guys a good pay so go and support it.
$300,$200,$150,$100,$90,$80,$70,$60,$60,$60,$55,$55 and $50 on back... Great payout guys better be there and enjoy..
It's like this guys I been working my ol buddy Casey over for sometime. Guys this wasn't a easy thing todo. Please tell all your buddies to come down and support this class and get paid what you all deserve.
im going with a 666

The Devil made him do it!!!


People say I'm getting crankier as I get older. That's not it. I just find I enjoy annoying people a lot more now. Especially younger people!!!
Who gonna take home the $300? Better make it there guys and let Casey know your serious about this class..
should of had a great car count somewhere... pevely did not run them,didnt have enuff only seen danny ems car at i55
Keep trying,MMP....The weather scared 'em off this time,I'm hoping? I know being broke hurts the Hobby/Sport drivers more than the pros...:)
