Mount Vernon Closed/ Unless Otherwise

Too much talk, not enough action. Management needs to have a public meeting on how to solve this issue. Invite necessary people that will develop a solution. As I said earlier, if its just a money thing, that problem should be easily solved.
MVN Raceway

well Mt. Vernon is dry county but yet they have bars yes I know but no beer etc. in stores. the whole thing about the hospital and the dust figures well lets see the interstate seperates the 2 from one another. you have cross traffic going north and south at all times which creates more less an invisible wall. think someone thinking into it all real deep with nothing else better to do. the track will always be there as long as the person owning it ain't afraid to keep it open and ain't afraid of Mt. Vernon just b/c they are trying to get on as City Council Member. too many of the wrong people in it all for just the money. its my fun and would take it on as a "job" as the current speaks b/c when you love something like this then you don't just try and sell it off b/c of an accident that made you pay just b/c it hit your pocket book and now you can't have everything you want. it happens all the time. there is a fine line between the love of the sport and the greediness of the sport.:D
Dusty Britches

I think the pocket book is not the part that has effected the Hecks. :rolleyes:
I think it's the HEART that has been affected. Some people do have hearts believe it or not. Of course that is just the perception I reviewed in the article. When it's not fun anymore I can understand about getting out of it as much as possible.....
You're right,dirtgirl. Heart, money, whatever. Who are we to judge?
The Heck's were already out of it this year and it's the gentlemen that took it over that got us to where we are today.
There's a lot of talking about what could and should happen. The clock is ticking. They've already lost CARS to Flora.
Dustybritches, Charlie Depew, anyone. Who can make things happen and what can we do to help?
Is it true that the Dream Homes that is next to the tracks property is moving?? Has that land been sold?? anyone know anything from the vern area......
I know the guy who owns the building just north of Dream homes.The D.J. tarp service building. He told me over a year ago the state had bought him out for the new interchange. I was by there last week and he is taking his building (pole barn) down and moving it as I speak.

Yeah your both right and have very good point of views. I keep trying to get ahold of him but no one is answering. If they'd answer it'd be nice b/c then maybe we'd all be happy especially me but I want all racers and fans alike to be happy it's not all about what I want. I'd give to the fans and racers instead of taking in for everything I wanted. I ain't in it for the money and so on whether break even or make a little extra wouldn't matter to me b/c the money would be going back into the track. I love the racing and having a good time. To just have it open is all the glory I'd want and nothing more. The best crowd to be around is all right here on the site and the rest are in the stands as well as the staffing!!! Btw I ain't trying to offend no one whatsoever just so we are all clear on that.
Be careful what you wish for. Promoting a racetrack is not all fun and games. Lots of headaches go along with the job. No matter what you do, someone is not going to be happy and you had better have thick skin or you won't be around long.
if it is going to be closed why does the website say it is going to open?
seems like the same game with a new person making the rules to me.
don't get me wrong i'm not sying this to tick people off but how many times must we hear the sob story.
once and for all is the track opening or not?
oh forget it flora will get my least they can print and follow a schedule.
FLORA's races were GREAT last night.
A MAJOR car count.they had to have B-Main's in all classes but the crates.
The track was BEAUTIFUL and the show moved fast until 2 different drivers at different times in the hornet class flipped and had to be taken to the hospital.
I guess there will be life AFTER Mt V Speedway.
