NASCAR has consulted with Al Gore

Going green. Their math seems to say that if the rednecks didn't have a race to go to then they would stay home and spew no carbon in the air. " calculated the carbon footprint of the 2008 Daytona 500 as 14,163 tons." (28,326,000 pounds) This comes from the fuel used for the race , the transportation, the lights, lodging and everything else related to the race that would not be used if we didn't have the race. But if we can get the Greenies to believe it all comes from the cars, we may be able get laws passed to force racing to be more carbon friendly. How long before all racing is done with only hybrids and electric cars?

Maybe a rule that all race cars are limited to 25 gallons of fuel for a 500 mile race. I give it 10 years and we'll have it.
So, for comparison, what is the carbon footprint of other large sporting events such as the Super Bowl?
What the Weenies are forgetting about is not necessarily the total Carbon footprint of any function, but what's the difference between all the people that participating in the event minus what they would be doing if the event wasn't held.

The spectators and employees don't just disappear when the event is not occurring. Besides, the more CO2 we produce, the more the plants like it, they grow better, therefore cancelling out what we produce.

Our earth is kind of like raising a fish in a fish tank. Your not actually raising the fish, your also raising every other organism that is tied to that fish. Add another fish (effectively increasing the negative output from fish) and you'll automatically increase the rest of the organism's in the habitat.

Global Warming is BS.
I picked up a Circle Track Magazine for the first time in awhile and it had a bunch of green stuff. Made me want to cook a baby seal over a coal fire. I guess paying off Al to give his blessing on your company is going to be the new requirement for everyone. Sort of like having to pay off Jackson or Sharpton to keep your company from being called racist.
I picked up a Circle Track Magazine for the first time in awhile and it had a bunch of green stuff. Made me want to cook a baby seal over a coal fire. I guess paying off Al to give his blessing on your company is going to be the new requirement for everyone. Sort of like having to pay off Jackson or Sharpton to keep your company from being called racist.

Alot of folks don't realize or know that all this green crap stands to make Al Gore a billionare, yet the sheeple just keep following!
If someone really believes that it is an issue, why would you consult with a politician instead of an actual scientist. He is just there to put his stamp of approval on companies for a price.
Well JG, Mr. Gore DID invent the internet ya know! That should make him qualified, no? (OUCH, bit my tongue ;) )

And hey, just out of curiosity … Are you clubbing the baby seal first or just tossing the little feller right on the fire live? :eek::D
The clubbing tenderizes the seal.

I probably need to stop before I have PETA outside of my house with torches and pitch forks. :)
The rain did keep puting out my coal fire for that baby seal. I was hoping for the desert conditions we had been promised with global warming. It would have led to better BBQ weather last month.
" calculated the carbon footprint of the 2008 Daytona 500 as 14,163 tons." (28,326,000 pounds)

Ya know, the same argument can be applied to about everything.


People should stay home from church and watch it on TV or online, then make their offerings online...just think of all of the carbon footprints saved from all of those cars not having to hustle the family off every week when they can do it at home.

Same with soccer practice, football games, going to the mall...

Wait a minute, why do we even need a car any more?

But I agree with you all, there's a lot of ridiculous and hypocritical views out there that apply to all things equally.

This country has had access to alternative fuels for decades, but the powers to be haven't acted on it then, so why would they change things now.

On that note, I'm off to the races Thursday, Friday and Saturday!

(I wonder if someone has done a methanol study? I bet I can get government funding for the study, and I'll start by applying those funds to my sprint car to track its effects.)

I'm not even really trying to debate global warming on here. For every side of this you can find scientists to back your opinion. Nobody will change anyone else's minds on here. My issue is that companies keep funding people like Gore, Sharpton, or whatever high profile extortion expert to give their stamp of approval on a company. If you want to investigate how your company can use less energy, hire experts in the field. Not a politician who even makes scientists who back the global warming theory uncomfortable with how much he overstates things. This is not a political thing. If George Bush was running around deciding whether a church was Christian enough for a price, I would be pretty ticked about that also. With how much NASCAR is paying out to get Al's blessing, they will probably just add a few more recycling containers at the tracks or install a few programmable thermostats.

Now back to discussing how to BBQ baby seals. :)
My preference on the baby seals has been indirect heat, real slow, and low with a apple/pecan chip for smokiness!

Seal Like Mother Used to Make:

1 baby seal - skinned and trimmed of excess fat

completely cover with your favorite rub

get pit to around 200-225

cook indirectly for around 14 - 16 hours

soak your apple/pecan chips in water for a hour for the full effect of the smoke
Wonder if you can cook dolphins like this also. :)

Why YES!!! You just have to increase the cooking time, probably about 45 min per lb would be OK at 225, you may want to put the dolphin on a spit.

Has anyone else tried beer can spotted owl? You have to use the tall boys but comes out yummy. You can also substitute bald eagle for the owl but you will have to use one of those big cans of Heineken!
