Need sponsors for 2012?

Hello, for those of you not familiar with us at Project X Marketing we are the ONLY company in the US not only promising but guaranteeing to get you and your team sponsored for the 2012 race season and hopefully beyond. Please take the time to check out our new look website at and contact us if we can do anything to help you out. We can get you anywhere from $500 to $15,000 on a consistent basis, so hopefully we will be able to help all of you. Thanks for reading.

Chris Kolstad, Owner
Project X Marketing
im not saying they cant help anyone but i never got anything from them at all and i have pretty descent stats seems like a bigger scam than tire dope to me
Just send me that...$15,000 on a consistent basis...and then we'll talk!!!


People say I'm getting crankier as I get older. That's not it. I just find I enjoy annoying people a lot more now. Especially younger people!!!
Promises promises but he never delivers. I'd like to run into him sometime! has anybody ever gotten anything from this guy?
never comes thru.
been waiting on promised sponsorship for years now and never got a dollar.

Big scam, dont do it.
Its seems he is kind of spamming the site as advertisement for his business. I too know of least 1 person who has been waiting for 2 years now on a promise of $$$$'s.
I can provide a pretty extensive list of guys that have, email me for it if you would like. The problem people don't see when guys say they got screwed is the guys that stop contacting me, the people who did not have guaranteed contracts etc. Everyone was offered a chance to speak to us regarding this publically on numerous occasions. Every year we visit 10-15 different tracks minimum so running into me would not be too tough. 1stbreak, you constantly sending nasty emails and threats did not help your cause one bit and ultimately led to us not speaking and you were notified of this. The other ones of you, if you feel you were short changed email me and I will be happy to discuss this in detail but I won't do it on here. For CREDIBLE info on us see this link:

You kept getting them because after it looked like you might actually do something after nearly a year and a half you stopped responding to emails and wouldn't pick up your phone. You left me with no choice. Save face and do what you promised me 4 yrs ago and I will tell everyone your a saint. I guess trying to help you get going 4 yrs ago was my mistake.
well i am going to assume you charge a fee for your services, so why dont you settle this by telling us what do expect. for instance, if i pay you X dollars for one year i should expect at least X amount in return, and that the average client you represent gets X. i am sure if you could post facts like these you wouldnt have people mad.....
This guy is a total scam !!! i talked to him a year or two ago ,,,,have to say my 6th sense told me that this was a bogus deal!!! Sorry Chris but i dont think your gonna get any takers down this way !! JMO
calls never returned, e-mails never replied to, etc, etc.
was promised that if no sponsors were found that 2nd year was free. never heard from again before 1st year was over.
when we asked for a list of what companies he was trying to seek sponsorships for us we got nothing, not even a reply.
He would post on his website that he had guarnteed sponsorships, well we are still waiting on that guarnteed $500 or what ever the promised about was. When we asked for it, NO replies.
only offer we ever got was to sell peanuts for some guy he knew but you had to buy them. that was a joke
Google the name of the business....i did. Not an accredited BBB rating. Like he said he was on another forum(ck midsouth and He even provided a someone put up a fake one. Second...if you read around on google..just about every dirt racing forum.......he has been on there and all saying the same thing.........scam.
If you had a bad experience with this guy, I am not a satisfied client. Same deal almost as others. I suggest you go to the BBB website and file a complaint.
Mod27, unless you can tell me either here or privately who you are your claim has zero validity. As for the other forums, the problem lies with the lack of people who have nothing but a screen name and no ability to speak of true experience with us. Mr Sivils is the only one on here with even a remotely legitimate complaint against us and was offered a resolution on a couple different occasions publically. Racin90, yes we do get around. The intent behind posts in numerous areas is to show guys that we are out there and not afraid to show it. Yes, this is a very challenging thing to do but it can be done and we only continue to yield better results. Its pretty simple really, if you don't trust it don't sign on to it. To answer the other questions:

Average paid in: $275
Average paid out: $2,125
Number of clients worked with: 800+
BBB Rating: A(Yes you are correct it is not accredited but I can't justify $500 for something that means what the rating says)
Biggest check(local guys): $115,000
