New NASCAR points system- what a joke!

Flying Penguin

Active Member
I hope no other series tries to top this complicated mess:

The enhanced format consists of the following:

• Races will now consist of three stages, with championship implications in each stage.

• The top-10 finishers of the first two stages will be awarded additional championship points.

• The winner of the first two stages of each race will receive one playoff point, and the race winner will receive five playoff points. Each playoff point will be added to his or her reset total following race No. 26, if that competitor makes the playoffs.

• All playoff points will carry through to the end of the third round of the playoffs (Round of 8), with the Championship 4 racing straight-up at Homestead-Miami Speedway for the title.

• Championship points following the first two stages will be awarded on a descending scale, with the stage winner receiving 10 points, second receiving 9 points, and so on.

• The race winner following the final stage will now receive 40 points, second-place will receive 35, third-place 34, fourth-place 33, and so on.

NASCAR also announced a playoff bonus structure that will see the regular season points leader honored as the regular season champion, earning 15 playoff points that will be added to the driver's playoff reset of 2,000. In addition, the top-10 drivers in points leading into the playoffs will receive playoff points, with second place receiving 10 playoff points, third place will earn 8 points, fourth place will receive 7 points, and so on. All playoff points will carry through to the end of the Round of 8.

(The term "Chase" has now been abandoned in favor of the more traditional sports term "playoffs" for end-of-season championship series.)
If they want to be like the NFL playoff format then only award points for a win. Oh yeah, and the win must be in the regular season- no points for pre-season wins in the twin 150s prior to the Daytona 500. How is this points program going to improve the racing? When the cars are single file, evenly spaced around the track due to aero issues it doesn’t matter how the points are earned. They should have gone to a format all oval track fans already understand- heat races, semis, and feature.
It will be like watching the All - Star race. Same idea with the segments, way too early to bitch about it. In time we will see how it works.
They keep coming up with these gimmicks and still attendance and TV ratings decline. Pretty soon it will be like the old days...Wide World of Sports with racing sandwiched between ski jumping and arm wrestling.
The format I'd like to see, but we never will see....

Cup race format is all done in one day...

Qualify - use the same format they do now, i'm fine with that..

Line up two - 20 lap heat races straight from qualifying times... - Top 10 finishers from each heat advance to race. -- All others move on to a Last Chance Qualifier...

Top 20 (or however many get into the race) get in from the Last Chance Qualifier.. You could add a couple of provisionals for the big teams that don't transfer..

Then the race itself should be no more than 200 miles...
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that when Jimmy Johnson wins a Championship they do a major overhaul of the points system? Not a fan at all of Johnsons but when he won number 6 they changed the point system then to. Kind of ironic if you ask me!
If you watched the press release, it was noted repeatedly by everyone on the panel that "this will provide our fans the opportunity to not miss as much of the racing action", meaning, we can better time our bathroom and beer run breaks without missing the 15 car dumpster fire in turn 3 of lap 226, while at the same time allow the sponsors the chance to string together 15 minutes of commercials at the end of each segment, on top of the 90 minutes of commercials they'll stuff down your throat during the race and unscheduled cautions.

It's still a Chase my friends...a chase to the dollars in the viewers wallets. This stinks to high heaven of sponsors wanting more airtime, and if they're paying the bills (and they are), they'll get it. Even if it means restructuring the format.

Of course, I might also be nuttier than squirrel turds, so there's that.
How many championships would Gordon have if they kept the old system? At least six, maybe seven. Maybe there should be an asterisk beside his name like MLB did for years with Babe Ruth and the home run record. What I personally think is that they are going to keep tweaking the system until they can get Earnhardt Jr. a championship. JMO.
Theyve dicked with the rules so much over the last few years, its screwed up past the point of no return. Bill France has to be spinning. Dont watch it anymore. Millions of others dont either.
The way this is, it will ensure everyone walks off for a fresh bowl of salsa and chips and favorite beverage at the prescribed time and keep them in their seats watching the logos go round and round in between. This isn't going to help commercial break buyers, but it will get more people in front of the TV when the cars are running.

I like the heat race/LCQ/Feature setup as well but I don't think you can sell that to TV for the extended length of time it would take to run.

I wish they would make the first segment win worth like 50 points, second segment 20, then overall 10 with a bonus 1 for being there at the end. Get them to race hard from beginning to end by making it impossible to just ride around and risk losing big time points by not getting up front.

I am for anything that incentivizes these guys to race door to door from green to checkers instead of "fuel and tire strategy" racing. Who knows, maybe Carl saw this coming and knew there were going to be more big hits racing under this format with guys going for it and that had something to do with him bowing out when he did.