" NEW " Racing Game

If we are going to go with "K" for Hason Keith...............
Kent Buckley >>>>>>>> the youngster!!!!!!! Not bad for his first year in a sprint car.
Millsey, bite your tongue. Some of us WANT to go to the races. We wait all week for Friday and Saturday to roll around. Rain, rain, go away.................
You're not even playing the game..............
Are you just picking any name and listing it???????????????
There is an object to this game.
I believe we are on the letter "L" for Kyle Logue or "B" for Kent Buckley.
What is the funny part?

THis game is so stupid. I played it in like 2nd grade. and Your not even playing it right. if people would go by the rules in stead or using different letters it would be O.K. But right now it is dumb!!

