not race related but affects us all:er.wallmart


Well-Known Member
gotta get this off my chest,,the highland wallmart has finally added the straw that broke the camels back with their so called customer frendly self check out lanes "NOT" with less normal check out lanes the lines are 3 n 4 times as long..this evening was the kicker,,as some of you may know i have knee and sholder issues,so bad that i need help getting a 50 lb bag of dog food in my cart and into my car,that said the store offers me help to load the bag of food,,i had such a bag in my cart and just a few other small items,,sooo i decided to go through the self check out,i asked the person attending the self check out area which machine had a scanner,,i was told bluntly that the self check out had no scanners and i would just have to pick up the bag and slide it across the bar code reader,i told her that was not possable she acted like,well,to freakin bad...i asked her if she ever heard of the americans with dissabilitys act,from her reaction i would assume not.. problem is i get all my meds at wally world and really cant afford to shop any where else,,at one time i was on the stores side on some issues,now wallmart can kiss where da sun dont shine =============OH YA,,you are asking how can i drive my race car??for the most part with my right hand,the driveing dont bother me but i pull my self out of the car with my left arm,that not the funest thing,,but driving my turd box is all i got,,,shopping at a store that dont give a rats pa=toot is not,,this is lenny g..and i approve this post
I hate having to shop at Wal-Mart,also. They are a necessary evil,unfortunate but true. They drive wages down in every area where they are located..:(
they are not a neccessary evil, just chose not to go there.People wonder why all the manufactureing jobs are all in China yet the still keep going to wal mart.
Fireball...I agree with you on the Walmart opinion, "they can kiss where the sun don't shine."

As for you and racing, keep getting in the car as long as you can and as long as it is fun. You are an inspiration to us middle aged racers. I just turned 50 this year and getting old sucks!

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You can count one hand the things that are made here and not in the Far East,everywhere you shop these days is selling products that say "Made in China,Korea,Thailand,Vietnam"..This includes some of the foods we consume.If most jobs paid a "living wage",we wouldn't be having this discussion..JMO! BTW,you do realize that the sales tax is 1 to 1 1/2% higher in Madison County and that is why I don't shop in Highland. Look at your receipt once and you will know what I mean.
Fireball. I know what it's like to not be able to walk and life heavy things so here is what I do. I go to their website, place the order, pay for it on-line and then ride one of those battery carts to the pick-up place and they will load it into your cart and help you load it in your vehicle if you like. That way THEY will find it in the store and THEY will bring it to the pick-up area. Why not? We old guys have paid our dues!
Len u ever need a hand im just a phone call away. And yes you guys have paid your dues and should be shown some respect. One day they too will be in those shoes. One day. As far as wallyworld........businesses could compete with them if they would keep pressing for such huge profits to benefit the head honchos. Just like the power companies. Rolling in cash literally but yet keep wanting increases to upgrade. Upgrade what........their bonuses? And the state regulators buy their story! Sad.
Buy 5..... 10 pound bags and stop yer bitch'n, or don't get in the self check out line anymore. Complain to Wal-Mart. This site is for racers !
Buy 5..... 10 pound bags and stop yer bitch'n, or don't get in the self check out line anymore. Complain to Wal-Mart. This site is for racers !

Another A$$ Hole! Wait till you get old! And Fireball is a RACER!​