Prayers for the Cooksey Family!


Isaiah 9:6
Joe and Mike Cooksey's father is in critical condition and needs a "prayer army". Joe said that he went for a knee replacement and developed ARDS.. His lungs have failed and they have him on life support to try and get it straightened out. Please pray that everything turns out as good as expected by this family.
Another member of the local racing community needs our help. Maythings work out for the Cooksey family and that the conditions improve.
Sat. Joe called me about this issue. Sunday his dad had come off of the life support, and is getting better daily. Things could chage daily, but so far so good.

BJ Deal
Thoughts An Pryers For The Cooksey Family

My Thoughts An Prayers Are With The Cooksey Family.joe & Mike If You Need Anything Let Me Know.

Rob Timmons & Family
He is now at Centralia at the hospital. He is doing well with his knee, but his oxygen level in his blood has remained steady. Could be a slow process, and he is definitely a Cooksey. He is fighting through this.

Keep this family going, they still have a ways to go.
