Quincy Raceways Streak Ends At Thirty Nights


Staff member
BY Jack Walbring
Quincy Raceways lost to Mother Nature on Sunday, August 14 as too much rain and not enough sun brought the consecutive race night streak to an end at thirty straight events without a rainout. The streak had started on July 11, 2004 with Quincy Raceways not having a cancellation for thirty straight scheduled events. Next up at Quincy will be Car Load Night on Sunday, August 21st, $25 will get a carload of fans into the Raceway with a maximum of 8 people per car. Call the Hotline at 217-224-4100 or the track office at 217-224-3843 or visit Quincy Raceways online at www.quincyraceways.com for more information.
