Quitting racing, thanks for the memories!


I would like to take this time and space to thank everyone that has helped me throughout the years. All my friends and family that helped me, I love you all and I will not forget you. I'll miss it dearly, but it is time for a change. I also have to thank all those who I raced against over the years. You have to take the good with the bad, and that is what makes you a true competitor. I feel I have raced against some of the best that any area has to offer at every track I have been to over the years. I am proud to have been able to race in the St. Louis area, and I think anyone would agree that we have some of the best racing in the country. I have many more good memories than bad at the races. I wouldn't change any of it and no one can take any of it away from me. Thanks to all for all the memories and I wish all those still in the sport, all the best and I hope it continues to grow, as there are still many memories to be made.

If anyone is interested in moving up, or starting out in a mod, just check out my posts in the classifieds.

Thanks again!
Chris Simmerman
You've always been good. In a sportsman or a mod. Really enjoyed watching you run. Why the move? I know the $$$ is out of control, but the addiction is worse than drugs.

Sorry to hear you are quitting racing but from someone who has all ready done so, we understand. It was a pleasure racing with you in the UMP class at Mt. Vernon in 2000 & 2001.

We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Jay and Julie Imming
#12 Hammertime Racing
Best of luck Chris in what ever you do,,it was always fun racing with you even tho it was looking at the back of your car all the time,LOL ,still wont forget them days with You and Cowboy at the old Charlie Bowl,,you 2 were good together. Best of luck in what ever you choose to do!!!!!
Sorry to hear you are shutting it down Chris. I only got to race against you a few times when I first started. Back then, I approached you a few times and you always had time to give this up-start some pointers. Now I try to do the same because of the way you treated me. Thank you.

Mike Harris

ps. I have recently met a co-worker of yours (maybe former co-worker, cant remember...the shiney cans blurred my memory) at Rend Lake. A big husky guy whose name I think is Mike. He is a mechanic, he says to say Hi
Chris, Good luck in whatever direction you go. We will not forget the close racing and paint trading between you and Steve Maisel at Mt Vernon. You were one of the best in that Sportsman car.

Al and Brent Kreke
My reasons for quitting are many. I'm currently finishing a divorce. That changes everything in one's life. The cost of racing is also a large factor. Sponsorship is hard to come by, and I just could not race out of pocket anymore. I also have a 8 year old daughter, and have chosen to spend more time with her. She is probably the biggest reason for my quitting. She is getting older, and I would rather do things with her. Racing is a hard thing to walk away from. It is more than just a hobby. It is a family and a community, that many people just couldn't understand who are not involved. No matter how feelings were at the track, when racers are needed, we come together and support each other. I am proud to be a member of that community and that will not change. I don't have to drive to still have it in my heart. Racing does consume a lot of your life, but I have no regrets. I will walk away sad, but you never know what the future holds for any of us. Thanks to all who posted. I have missed those days and will always have good memories of everywhere I went.

Chris Simmerman
