Racegodess is a mother now.


Jen and Art's baby was born at 11:00 a.m. this morning (Sunday). 6 lbs.9 oz. 20 " long. name Reed Arnold Knepper. She will come home from the hospital Tuesday probably. She is in St. Elizabeth's in BV. Congratulations and best wishes.

He is as cute as can be! Glad you are both doing good.... Now for the longgg nights ahead, but it is worth it!
Congradualtions and hope that everyone is heathy. That is some good news, but that also means that the racing community will see a slowdown in RG and Midgetracer's time for the Internet with the added responsibility. That is part of life and I hope it does you well.
thank you,everyone.

the ordeal is finally over...but i guess you could say it is just beginning!lol. i'm so happy and thankful for a healthy baby and jen is well.a new part of my life is just opening before me.shoulda done this years ago...lol.thanks all for the thoughts.oh,and jack...there is the prettiest quarter midget in the garage ya ever saw. i just wish i could drive it first!!!!thanks again everyone.you,too,cassie!!
Not a problem Art... it was my pleasure! He's adorable and LITTTTLE!:D Hope Jen is getting some sleep.....she was TIRED!
Oh my goodness!

I'm so glad that I checked the Board before going to bed Sunday night! What great news!

Jen, I was thinking about you all day today for some reason--now I know why!!! I'm so happy for all of you! Can't wait to see the little guy! and give him his first Bomber Momma racin' gifts!

Congratulations to all, and especially Da GrandMomma, too! I'm so happy!!! :D :D :D
Congrats guys. Glad to hear everybody is doing fine. Jen, I have just one thing to say...FENDERS. LOL Sorry Art.

Congratulations Jen & Art!! Jen, I hope labor wasn't too hard on ya. Glad to hear momma and babyare fine. I can't wait to see the little guy!
A Knepper don't need no stinkin fenders
Congrats to ya .......
Another Arnie ???? Coooooooool
who'll be needin that Geritol now ??????
